"But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope."
Our dear Uncle Don went home to be with the Lord in the early morning hours this morning....
I have such fond memories of him...he and his wife Marylou were very welcoming to me, when I first met them in the year before we married. He liked to call Tim and I "Bonnie and Clyde" and I liked to call him "Scooter" because he reminded me of Scooter from the Muppets! He liked to tease and I would tease back...he liked that.
He and Aunt Marylou both just had birthdays and this year was their 63rd year of marriage!
Please pray for Aunt Marylou - she was taken by to the hospital by ambulance yesterday with chest pains. She was fine, they felt it was just anxiety and they allowed her to come home. She has been in poor health for several years and Uncle Don's health has taken a toll on her as well.
Their daughter Marsha has been such a virtuous daughter. She has cared for her parents daily, allowing them to be able to stay in their own home. Her parents worry about her, but she wants to take care of them. Their son Dean also spends time with them every day after work - he and his youngest son eat dinner with them. This gives Marsha a break and allows her to go home and eat with her husband and spend the evening -then she goes back and checks on her parents and helps them get to bed. Now, Aunt Marylou will be alone and I don't know what they will do.
They will need wisdom, Aunt Marylou has lived in her current home since 1955.
Please pray for our whole family...it hurts to lose someone you love, even when you have assurance of where that loved one is....
I am sorry for this loss to all of your family...I will pray for your Aunt..
I am so sorry for the loss of your Uncle. I know it is hard even -- as you said -- you know where they are.
I will definitely pray for your Aunt and her children. We went through the same thing after my father died. We took turns taking care of my mother and then after five years she too went to be with Jesus. It's such a difficult stage of life, yet it is so good to be able to help them stay in their own home. You have a very loving and caring family!
My heart goes out to you and all your family as you navigate these new waters. You will be in my prayers.
I am sorry that you will be going through the "missing" your Uncle emotions. I pray that God gives the family grace and wisdom in the days to come.
You have been a blessing to them, I am very sure, in your extra efforts to spend time and reconnect with the family.
I am so very sorry. I cant imagine losing a spouse and to be married for so long is so amazing! What a wonderful daughter they have.
I'm holding your family up in prayer, especially your Aunt Marylou. <><
Bless you all.
jAne at tickleberryfarm.blogspot.com
Oh, I am so sorry for your loss.
Take care,
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