Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 1, 2009

A Cheery Update

This dear girl is now 10 years is that possible?  I am so thankful for 10+ years of delight in being her mother.  What a precious girl she is, quiet around many people, but full of chatter at home.  A smart girl who loves to read, ride horses, do things with her sisters...she is growing up.  There is maturity working its way into her life...I am a big advocate of early responsibility - it leads to early maturity.  Being responsible and mature doesn't mean a child doesn't get to have fun - in fact just the opposite!  It means that the fun is enjoyed all the more than if her life revolved around herself and only being entertained.

Yesterday was a perfect example;  Since it was her birthday I invited some friends over for an adventure party.  Perfect for girls!  They rode our horses, cooked hot dogs and s'mores over a campfire, learned to shoot arrows with a homemade bow, and went on a nature hike.  The also walked in the creek and played in the hammock...they didn't want to leave.  Rachel's happiness and enjoyment of her friends being here was sweet because it is not an everyday occurrence

Now that May is over and the multitude of birthdays are behind us, I can begin to focus on other celebrations!

We will be having a graduation celebration for Lindsay this month.  I am not sure of all the details yet...they are coming to me...but it is going to be special. 


Alicia @ said...

Aw! Happy Birthday!! I remember turning 10 was a big deal as it is double digits!! LOL So fun!!

Happy planning all your events!!

~~Deby said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet sounds like a day of fun....
hmmmm...and now a graduation, what a blessing.

Melissa G said...

Rachel's smile says it all!

Happy birthday to my sweet cousin!

Looking forward to seeing you all soon! When do you arrive in FL?

Kelly said...

Sounds like Rachel had a great day! I'm so glad her day was so special and so much fun.

Looking forward to hearing more about a graduation celebration for Lindsay.

Donna said...

Happy birthday to your pretty daughter!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...