Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 29, 2009

Computer Craziness!

I just got done talking to a most helpful guy at Frontier about our computer modem. We had been having trouble accessing the internet from our desktop. He ran tests and it is now working very well. Now at issue is my laptop. Apparently the wireless switch is off and the toggle switches (don't I sound all techie-like and don't you think I know what I am talking about?) are not doing the trick. I call Dell - this computer as you may remember because it is soooo important - was purchased from my niece. It's warranty is outdated, so at least for tonight I am without the capability of accessing the internet in a wireless way on my laptop. Perhaps another call tomorrow - or maybe one of you has a Dell Inspiron 600m and you know where the hard wireless switch is?

Well, it was worth asking!

Anyway, I am giving a huge shoutout to Mike at Frontier who helped me and went above and beyond trying to help me with the laptop as well! Thanks, Mike!

Tomorrow - I am hoping to start vacation photos! Such excitement, eh? I hope you can all sleep...well, most of you are probably asleep already anyway....

My brain is tired....Sweet Dreams!


Karen said...

Hope you get it worked out.

Would this help?

Melissa G said...

Computer issues can be so frustrating! I hope it all gets sorted out for you.
I'm looking forward to seeing those vacation pictures!
Was the memory card ever found?

Becky K. said...

I have no clue. I will run that by Warren though in case he just happens to know the answer.

Mikey loved his first day of Internship!!!!

Becky K.

Anonymous said...

What would we do without computers now-a-days? Funny!

I can't wait for pictures. I cannot get on Melissa's blog and so I can't see her pics...

tea time and roses said...

It is no fun when the computer is down. It is so amazing just how much they have become a part of our lives especially for us bloggers, it's a good thing!:o)



Alicia @ said...

UGH! I hate computer problems...we rely on them so much, too much probably!! I hope it all gets fixed soon, cant wait to see pics!!

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