Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Florida Family

Guess who was in heaven on our trip? Yes, Rachel my "itchy" arms one...she has been so eager to get her hands on her baby cousin Ethan. He was very content with her.

I love this photo.

Here Kyle meets Gretchen. She is Uncle Rick and Aunt Jane's dog. They are not actually blood kin to us, but we have been dear friends for 20 years...they are family!

Here is a goofy face of Emily, but I wanted to post a photo of Jane and the only other one we have of her on this camera card is not flattering. So I choose to risk embarrassing Emily. Sorry, honey.

Kyle and Tim at the was so scorching hot when we were in Florida that my sister in law suggested that we go to the beach in the stays light late, was still very warm out and the crowds had gone! Perfect!

The kids all loved the ocean!

I love this photo of Lindsay, even though Ethan is blurred a bit. Each of my kids has their own way with babies!

The lovely lady on the right is my mother in law! She was enjoying a big family get together the day after the wedding. The pretty lady in the black and white top is my new nephew's mom. She was delightful to get to know.

Here is big cousin Andrew - hero to all young cousins!

Sweet Melissa! Poor girl she had been so busy that day this was the first she had eaten!

Here I am reading "The Princess and The Kiss" to my Sarah and to our niece Sara.

Andrew was helping Kyle with a Leap Frog book!

These are Ginna's girls - Ginna is Tim's other sister and a favorite aunt to all her nieces and nephews.

While we were there Emily said " I forgot how much I LIKE my cousins!" We all had a grand time.

All photos taken and copywritten by Lindsay Rabe


Becky K. said...

Looks like a great time!

Your children are great with little ones. Rachel is such a "little momma". That is a good thing.

Melissa G said...

You're right, we do have very similar posts today! that's funny!
I added a link to your post from my post.
Yay! I'm looking forward to the beach pictures! Thanks for emailing them.
Was the memory card ever found? I was talking to mom on skype yesterday and told her where the pictures were that Lindsay had downloaded on her computer but she only saw the beach photos in the folder. I can send you a cd of wedding photos that Susan took. i just need to sort through them all.
Ethan has been so happy today! He's sat happily in his chair while i made dinner and that's usually when he's so fussy! I think he's happy to be back! =)

Alicia @ said...

Love the pics!! Looks like you all had such a great time together! Lots of kiddos, which always makes it fun!

Kelly said...

Love the pictures. Looks like you all had a wonderful time.

Looking forward to seeing all of you on Sunday.

Cheri' said...

Isn't it great to get away and have family times! I loved the pictures! Especially being able to see your children and their obvious love for babies. It always touches my heart to see older children reaching out and taking care of the younger ones! Thanks for sharing these!

Alicia @ said...

I forgot to tell you! I love your new background!

Anonymous said...

Mom for reals? there was not a better picture of me anywhere!?!?!?!?!?


~~Deby said...

oh...I love family pics..we get a better idea..of who is behind the blogger...ya know what I mean..thanks for sharing...smiled as I read and looked at them are blessed.

Anonymous said...

Sweet Sweet Rachel

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