Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Happy 50th!

Yesterday was a very happy day. It was a day to testify to what the Grace of God can do in the lives and marriage of two people.

They married at the age of 17 and 20 - she had to finish high school and he was in the Navy. A few times in their marriage they didn't like each other very much. But both had come to know and trust the Lord and they hung in there and decided to trust God in their marriage.

Now, through the Grace of God they have been married 50 years! When friends asked them, at their party, which year was the best they both said "this year." Isn't that sweet?

They have a loving family and many kind friends.

Many friends came to celebrate their happy day with them!

Our family felt privileged to plan this special celebration for them!

I am so proud of them...I remember the hard years...their lives are a testimony of grace, not of their own goodness, but of His! We love them dearly.


Emma* said...

Nice post Mom.
It was so much fun to decorate 'Papa's Cake'.... but there are no pictures of that;) hee hee I guess I'll have to do that. It was such a nice day!



sherry said...

What a lovely celebration of marriage. You blessed your folks in such sweet ways - how fortunate they are to have you to love them so much. :o) Beautiful gathering.

jAne at tickleberry farm

Becky K. said...

It was lovely. You did such a nice thing...good work!

Both of them look so good! Phyllis was practically radiant.

Happy 50th just one more time to my dear friends.

Becky K.

One Knit One Purl said...

Happy 50th Anniversary to your parents - God is great!

~~Deby said...

oh ...this is so nice to see couples that go the distance..that MAKE it...when so many others just give up...a beautiful tribute..
this was wonderful for you to do...

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

Thank you, this is a great post. C

Cheri' said...

The pictures are wonderful, and the portrait they've painted by the testimony of the grace of God in their lives is extremely powerful!

Thanks for sharing their story!

Karen said...

Beautiful post! It's so wonderful to see couples make it to 50 years-and beyond.

I think I've told you before but your parents do not look their ages. They look very active and youthful. It's wonderful that you have them close and can do so much together.

We are in and out at home and camp so I'm way behind on posting and reading. Please congratulate your parents and wish them a belated happy anniversary from me.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Thanks everyone for your sweet comments of congratulations! It is an awesome work of God!

Karen - you are right they do not look their ages - I hope I have inherited those genes!

Kelly said...

Happy Anniversary Bob and Phyllis! It looks like the day was very pleasant, and the cake is beautiful. What a testimony -- to be married for 50 years in a time when so many marriages end way too quickly.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...