Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Riding and Life Lessons

Lindsay took some great photos tonight. She had been riding Sandy and then let the little girls have a turn.

Rachel is a good rider and is gaining confidence every time she rides.

It is a real work out to ride bareback

I like this shot.

I love this one! Very artsy.

This is a cool shot too - aren't her hoofs pretty? She just had a visit from our friend who does our farrier work...I think we should paint her hoofs bright red or a manicure!

Sarah is less confident as a rider...but she rode behind Lindsay tonight, they were even cantering. Then she rode some on her own while being led.

This is such a funny shot of her...she is quite a character!
She is learning to trust and to enjoy the process of riding. She really wants to be like her big sisters and this is one way she works at that!

After riding it was clean up and jammy time...she is sleeping now.

I really enjoy watching them grow and change and learn. It is a privilege to be apart of what God is doing in their lives.


Becky K. said...

After Lindsay's experience of getting "shrugged off" do you have any worries with the little girls being on the horse?

The photos are beautiful.

The children are so blessed to live on land that allows horses.

Sarah's facial expressions are priceless.

Melissa G said...

Great pictures.

Elijah said "she's a cowboy!"

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


I don't worry about it...Rachel has been "thrown" before and Sarah had the experience of Sandy starting to "roll" on her...they know what to did shake them up a bit but they do fine.

Lindsay got tossed because she was cantering bareback and slide up to far onto Sandy's shoulders...natural reaction on Sandy's part.

Nicole said...

How fun!!!! Melodey would love that, she loves horses!

Anonymous said...

Those are great pictures!
The girls look like they are doing well with riding.


Kelly said...

What a privilege they have to be able to learn to ride horses while they are young.

Looks like there's more tough competition in the photography world. Hee, Hee! Great photos!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


You have been an inspiration to both of my girls in photography! They really love it, and seem to have a knack for it.

When you come over Sunday, maybe they could get some pointers from you? Is there something you see in their photography that you could help them with?

Donna said...

Aaawww, great pictures!

Ronda said...

Mrs. Rabe,

WOW!!! What wonderful photos she is taking. What and eye for things she seems to have.

I wish I could take photo's like that.

Love & Prayers,

Emma* said...

The second picture of Sarah is so cute! Because it is so her!!

Tracy said...

great pictures. My daughter would love to have a horse. Not possible where we live:(

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