Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, July 30, 2009


I am going to do something fun for me today!

I am going to sew! I love to see wearable clothing items come into being through my machine and my hands!

Today I am going to make aprons - one for Emily and one for me....I will show you tomorrow. Also, I will try to get photos taken of some other recent sewing projects!

Have a lovely day!


Becky K. said...

Enjoy yourself, Friend!

Anonymous said...

I will take a skirt!!!

That picture looks like Roberta S.

Anonymous said...

Yay, Deanna! I'm SO excited! I can't wait to see what you make! And the background here at your blog is adorable! I feel all energized looking at it! Reminds me, I need to go swaparoo mine...

Happy (almost) Friday!

P.S. Maybe we could get together sometime this fall? Lots of great stuff to do in autumn out your way! The girls and I could drive down!

Kelly said...

I agree with Miss Paula; I will also take a skirt. I do still want to get together when you aren't too busy and make a skirt or two for me. I'll have to invest in a good sewing machine sometime.

Mama Sewing said...

I am looking forward to seeing your aprons. I need to start on a couple myself but sewing gets pushed to the back burner and often gets left there for too long!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Ok, I got one apron cut out yesterday and then I needed to take Rachel to the doctor for a follow up appointment. Since we were headed up to Lititz, I took the big girls along and let them do window shopping while we went to the doc. Then we all met at the Wilbur Chocolate Factory! Poor us.

After dinner, I had to play taxi for my all that to say I didn't do much sewing yesterday. I will tomorrow though! I am actually going to have a few hours of time to myself!

Kelly B- We definitely will do some sewing for you soon!

Kelly - I would love to get together with you for some fun! I have a few ideas! We will need to email about it! :)

Paula - what color do you want? I saw a pretty soft pink rayon today for $4.50 a was so pretty! Email me - Kaitlin leaves in 6 days! And you are right it does look like Roberta!

~~Deby said...

Raising my hand for a APRON...hehehe.....I have wanted to sit at my machine...maybe I will sneak a bit of time..from this recliner..I have been trying to hard to play by the rules...
oh sewing sounds so fun...I am doing some hand sewing right now...maybe a post next week...
a tad jealous--

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...