Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, July 6, 2009

A Full Heart

I have missed posting regularly. It's not that I don't have a lot to say (hee hee) it's perhaps that I have too much on my heart, and some of it I either don't know how to fully express or I can't express it because it would be gossip possibly. So I err on the side of caution.

But here are somethings occupying my heart and mind these days!

Miss Paula and Alicia are both taking blogging breaks. They are busy and they are enjoying Facebook right now. I know how hard it is to run a home and try to keep up and I completely understand where they are coming from. I just will miss keeping up with them in this way. I can and will visit them on FB but it isn't the same as blogging.

I love my blogging friends and I think, like so many women who blog or read blogs, it fills a need for fellowship with likeminded women! There is a lot of unkindness in the blogging world, I know, but I stay away from those places. Just this week I have been encouraged online by wonderful Christian women; Deby, jAne, Brenda, Tracy.

I have been following Tracy's daughter Autumn's courtship and marriage for the last year. Today I read with tears the beautiful vows this sweet young couple made to each other. It was such a blessing to me as we have a desire for our daughters and sons be able to find spouses that want to honor God the way this young couple does. Autumn and Jon's heart is very similar to our niece and now nephew's heart - that their lives be a testimony of God's grace and goodness. It makes me cringe to know that there are those even in the Christian community who would scoff at the honorable way they have conducted their lives.

There is no one right way to court etc...some believe that you must have a betrothal - I have seen them and I think they are a beautiful way to show the commitment a young couple is making. Josh and Anna Duggar had a very public courtship, and risked the world making fun of them. jAne's daughter Lizzie and Mr.Darcy have had a very honorable relationship - I say "Bravo!" to them all! I am so encouraged by these examples. We are interested in watching them because with 4 daughters and 2 sons, we know we don't want them to date. So we watch to see those who have gone before us in this way - we see what we think works - I ask lots of questions too! (thanks Tracy for your patience in answering my questions last year!)

Another thing on my mind these days is our homeschool co-op. It looks as if we will have 62 families this year. I always am filled with trepidation whenever we go over 60. I am not sure why but the dynamic gets wierd. But I am hopeful that all will be just fine this year. I love encouraging these women who give themselves so fully to their families, they don't always get the support they should from their husbands or other family members.

In addition to that our group is using a webhost for a website for our group! It is really neat but it requires me to learn more than I really wanted to know about websites!

I also am planning my parents 50th wedding anniversary party for the 25th of this month. I am almost done with the invitations. It is going to be an Open House event and then we will go to dinner with our family and 2 couples that they are good friends with! It should be a blast!

Sarah turns 7 on Saturday and wants a party...If it would be hot enough we could invite a few friends to the Grandparents pool and have a simple, easy party....

Well, I guess that is enough for now - you certainly don't need to hear my concerns about our country, nor the burden we have for our oldest son. Just pray. God is so big and so good. He has been teaching me so much over the years, and I am so thankful. Sometimes it has meant that we have traveled a path that others may think it a bit "much." But we know our hearts are right before Him - so we don't need to worry about others. We just try to keep our eyes on Him!

Thank you to all my blog friends - you are appreciated more than you know - but I will try to tell you so more often!


Anonymous said...


Things have been difficult lately. But I love you and admire you more and more just seeing how you deal with things. I liked reading those 'beautiful vows', it was encouraging to read, and being able to see once again how two people have waited for God's time. That is the way I want to do it:) A couple years ago I probably would not have thought so, but because of how you have mentored Lindsay and I and have shown us that this is the way to go, I have completely changed my mind set. I thank you for being the wonderful example in my life. I love you!


Anonymous said...

you dont really need to post that...I just thought I would tell you! Lindsay and I are here to talk anytime and to sit up until 2 am with you! even if lindsay does fall asleep:D much love! Emily

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Thank you my precious girl! I am so proud to be your mom!

~~Deby said...

((((Sweet loving hugs)))) to you...
you have spoke MANY things that have been on my articulated some things I too have been thinking about, pondering..and probably even fretting...I am very thankful that the women, you and I blog with seem to be real, lift our hearts, encourage us on, and share their burdens and allow us to share ours..I try hard not to cross some line I have drawn there..knowing that there are many out there with critical is like I would like my own blogging club of those I can trust? Does that make sense...
Today has been a really rough day for I took a nap..cried out to the Lord and started a GLH book...Honor Girl and then read your post....
You and your blog are a blessing to me..this blogging for me is real, I pray for blog friends and their needs and hurts and desires...knowing God sees this whole big picture and has brought us together in this most precious way...

Karen said...

I'm so glad you aren't taking off, too!

I share your outlook on dating and want better than that for my girls, also.

I hope you know you are appreciated, too. I love that your tone is always encouraging, that you praise and give thanks to God, even when you are facing difficulties. You always brighten my day.

Becky K. said...

Awww...that was awesome...Emily's comment. You have every right to be pleased with your girls.

I know things have been a bit "choppy' lately. I think that God is up to somthing good. He is preparing all of us...

Love Ya!

Becky K.

Melissa G said...

And i'm so proud to be your cousin! Love you all!

Bee said...

You know I'm here too.
Maybe not until 2 AM...but
You don't have to post this either. :)
Miss you!!

Tracy said...


The Lord will carry you through these storms, lean on Him. And remember, He carries your children as well! What a blessed thought! There have been times when I have been too overwhelmed to pray, and my body feels weary and tired; I've asked the Lord to take care of it, and he always does.

Thank you for your kind words about our family. I do pray that the Lord is using my posts to show people a better way than our modern system of dating.

What a joy to be planning for your parents' anniversary! Such a testimony in this day and age!

Rest in the Lord, my dear friend!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

You all are very sweet! I am thankful for each one of you! God has used you in my life and I am so thankful!

Alicia @ said...

Aw...look at what Emily wrote to you! That is so precious and something I would love for my children to one day say to me. I am still here...just need a break for now. Love to you in all that you are enduring!

Anonymous said...

Ok Now It is a good thing I have waterproof mascara. Beautiful post honey. You know I am hear for you always. Oh my I read Emily's response and then the tears started to flow. She is growing into a wonderful young woman who desires to please the Lord. I am so thankful to the Lord for what he is doing in your life and the lives of your children.

Love, Mom

sherry said...

To begin, here's a tender embrace...

(*(*(*( you )*)*)*)

I know from whence you come, dear friend. Please know I'm lifting you up in prayer as the Lord leads - at times in the earliest of morning hours. He is faithful and will go before you to accomplish every good thing according to His eternal plan.

jAne at

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...