Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Kaitlin Eats Lamb

Tim, Lindsay, Emily and I went into the city a few weeks ago and ate at a local Greek restaurant. The food was excellent and it had been mentioned to Kaitlin, who expressed an interest in going. So last night we had a girls night out, minus Sarah who went with Tim and Kyle on an outing for her birthday.

Here are the girls sitting in the restaurant. Rachel was being goofy!

Here is what I ate - well I ate part of it...I brought the rest home for Tim. This is an authentic gyro (pronounced yeero)- a mixture of lamb, beef, Greek yogurt and cucumber sauce. I had mine on a whole wheat pita! It is delicious!

This is what Lindsay, Kaitlin and Emily ate - cheese steaks! Not very Greek but very good!

Emily and Kaitlin really chowed down!

Then I challenged Kaitlin "you said you wanted Greek food! You gotta try the lamb." So she did!

Here I made all of them try it!
Later we went to the dairy for milk and ended up with ice cream cones too! Yum...

My husband loves to try new foods...he should be proud of us all!


Alicia @ said...

Yummy! We have a greek cafe here that is really good too....Ryan loves lamb!! He just had it the other night. I dont love it but I dont hate it either...I will eat it and be happy kinda thing. Glad you had fun!! Ice cream cones sound delish too!

Unknown said...

Now I'm STARVING!!! I love Gyros! Not sure I want to thank you for sharing those photos, for now I am craving a cheese steak!!! *smiles*

Becky K. said...

The cousins seem to be having a great time!

Fun pics.

Nicole said...

looks like you girls had a great time!

Anonymous said...

How fun!!! Pictures!!! YEah!!

I could hear that little lamb saying "Save me, save me!" from my house!!

thanks for sharing the pictures and your family! Kaitlin looks like she is having great fun!

Anonymous said...

funny pictures!

Most of the time it's good to try new things ;)


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