Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Barn Update

Tim took a few days off from work last week. He and my dad started working on the barn. The barn is 12'x32' . There are two 10x12 stalls and a 12x12 storage area for hay and grain. So it isn't a huge barn but just what we need!

They started off by using a post hole digger to dig 16 holes.

They used a premixed concrete so all they had to do was pour in the concrete, add water and mix! My dad said that he realized that he can't shoulder 80 pounds of concrete - he can still lift and carry it in his arms, though! Not bad for a 70 year old grandpa!
I was so delighted to see all the kids helping out when they could. The girls worked the first few days of the project and Lindsay also worked Saturday.

There was much climbing on the structure.

Even the little girls worked...yesterday they took nails out of 30 trusses that Tim was able to purchase at a salvage place.

Emily worked the saw - she did most of the cutting of the 2x4's.

Here you and see two of the trusses up. Leaning against the side are the trusses. The purchased trusses were too small, so they used two trusses to make each bigger truss. Lindsay and Emily worked with Tim and Grandpa to "build" the trusses.
When Tim gets home from work, more trusses will be going up...

What did I do while all this was going on? I was cooking, cleaning, providing coffee or cold drinks as needed. I also took one afternoon to go over to our church and clean the carpet. That was a job.

Sunday after church we went to a nearby park with a sweet family from church. They have 4 little ones 5 years and younger and we are enjoying getting to know them. Then we came home and had some other friends of ours over for the afternoon and evening. We also had the opportunity to share our horses with a young woman who has special needs. The family has been attending our church and this young lady does therapeutic riding. They came by to see the horses and she ended up riding for a bit. We have always wanted to use the horses to bless others!

That's the progress so far....How was your weekend?


Pink Slippers said...

what are the kind of boots is your sweetie wearing? they look great.

Alicia @ said...

Looks pretty big to me!!

Diane said...

That hole digger is cool! I guess the kids tested it out and it'ssturdy! :O)

Ronda said...

Mornin Mrs. Rabe,

Your barn is looking wonderful!
I also looks as if everyone had a good time while they were working. I can't wait to see the finished barn.

Have a fabulous day.

Love & Prayers,

Emma* said...

We have gotten a LOT done is so little time! Its coming together!!

Becky K. said...

Very cool!

Glad this is coming along...

You know, it must be the bowling that is keeping Grandpa Bob in such great shape...or maybe it is the Firefighting duties...maybe.

Becky K.

Home Keeping

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