Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, September 12, 2009

It's Been Raining...

and raining, and raining. Sigh.

I know that many of you in Texas are so pleased with your rain, and I know our rain is necessary too....

Our barn has come to a stand still, work-wise. My husband is working all this weekend but hopefully this next week will be nice and after work the girls and I can help him get some more trusses up!

Today we worked in the house. The little girls room tends toward clutter mania so we cleared it out, moved the bed around to a new location, which then meant that their desks got moved too. It is a tiny room, but workable. Oh, and remember how I mentioned that the little girls wanted a canopy too, after Lindsay and Emily made them for their beds? We managed to do that today too! They are very happy!

I will get Lindsay to get some pictures and I will post them. I think I will need to do a post of all the photos I have promised to show you!

We have a church picnic tomorrow and the weather is supposed to be fine. I hope so. We are unexpectedly doing some work for it, water balloons and such.

Dinner is in the oven - ham- and there are potatoes on the stove. I will scallop them and add cheese. Yummy! Oh, and we are working on an English apple pie for dessert.

Tonight we will have a movie, perhaps, and then early to bed for Tim.

I trust your weekend is full of lovely memories and sweet time together as a family.

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Home Keeping

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