Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, September 21, 2009

We're Off To Go Thrifting! UPDATE

We haven't been out poking around shops for a long time! So we girls are headed out this afternoon. My Mom is coming with us and two of the little ones will be hanging with Grandpa. Seems like a great arrangement to me.

We found rings for Lindsay and Emily, at an antique mall. They have wanted one that would be a symbol of the choice they have made to wait for marriage. We found rings that they both love. I also found a birthday gift for my friend. She collects a pretty pattern of stoneware that is an aqua color with dark blue tulips stamped on. I found a pitcher for her collection that she uses! I was very pleased. At Goodwill I found a pair of paddock boots for Sarah. They are in perfect condition, just were dusty from use. They were not priced but the other children's shoes were $3.97 so I assumed these would be too. At the register, I mentioned the price of the other children's shoes and the cashier said "I was going to say $1.97 since they are dirty." I responded "Well, okay!" Amazing! Sarah will get to wear them Friday when she competes in Open Lead Line with Grandpa at the Fair!

Check Spelling
I have a Mom's meeting tonight, but I don't have to prepare anything, someone else is speaking tonight, so I feel a bit foot loose and fancy free!

We have lots of fair prep work going on around here for the girls who are doing rodeo events. They are very excited.

I hope I can find some great things like Manuela manages to find. She is amazing!

We had a beautiful weekend. Lots of work and fun. Tim, my Dad and Becky's Jonathan and husband Warren managed to get all of the trusses up and secured, even with needing to build two! We are so thankful for their friendship and help!

Did I ever mention that my laptop wasn't working? We thought it was a battery and charger problem so we replaced them, but we still were having the same issue. I don't know what was the problem, but Warren took it with him to work and worked some kind of magic on it. I heard he took the whole thing apart and put it all back together again! Wowser! Seriously, I couldn't even imagine doing that! I am still thinking on something nice to thank him....

We just love our church and look forward to Sunday's so much. We had a wonderful service and then a fun fellowship meal. We always stay so long visiting, sharing, laughing...Sarah brought her Uno Attack game and Pastor Mike, Becky and many others were talked into playing! We invited everyone to come over to our place and hang out. It was great! The kids played, the adults talked and some played a soccer match with the kids. We had a campfire, cooked hot dogs and s'mores, laughed and talked some more. Slowly the families left one bye one. As we said good bye to a dear young family with little ones I said to their boys ages 5 and 3 "see you next week at church." He answered "yeah, what are we doing next week?" His dad says the boys think of the church as a place of adventures! Isn't that awesome?

Did you have a good weekend? One of these days I am going to mention that we are planning a fall foliage trip with my parents to New England. But I won't mention that yet....hee hee


Becky K. said...

Ahhh...that sweet comment by the kiddos brought tears to my eyes. I love how our kids...of all ages... love church!!!!


Emma* said...

Shopping was fun!!

Sunday's soccer match was SO fun...I wonder if Kelly is going to post pictures? hummm...

Ronda said...

It's a blessed thing to hear about all the many goings on around your home, family, & church.

It does my heart good to always hear about family and friends (especially from church), that enjoy such wonderfull and almost unending times of fellowship, food, and fun together.

It also does my heart good to hear about the simple times together between mother, daughter, and grandmother. I long for more of those days myself. Enjoy my dear....enjoy and treasure each and every moment of time with which you are blessed to spend with your young one's, and your mother/mother in law.

Thank you for sharing such a lovely heart felt post.

Love & Prayers,

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Well did you find some good stuff? Sounds like a fun outing even if you don't!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...