Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Welcome, Autumn!

There is a hint of it in the air this week. The coolness of the mornings and evenings, the warmth of the day without the blazing heat and humidity. Here in Central Pennsylvania, we know that it is as likely to be hot and humid again next week, as it is to be cool. But the signal has been given.

Soon we will see the beginnings of the early turning trees start to lose their chlorophyll and we will begin to see the true colors of the leaves. Such amazing beauty.

I love the autumn. I love the way the light looks, softer and more golden. I love the colors and the smell of burning leaves. I love seeing beautiful mums of all colors, and delight in carving pumpkins into beautiful luminaries to shine out in the early darkness that comes this season.

One of my favorite bloggers, Melissa of The Inspired Room, is once again hosting a Fall Nesting Party! She made a list last year of "20 little things to love about fall."

Here is my list of things I love.

1. The trees changing colors.
2. The blue of the sky in Autumn, and giant white puffy clouds in it.
3. Pumpkins carved into pretty luminaries.
4. Wearing sweaters.
5. Lighting candles more for a warm ambiance in my home.
6. The scent of mulled cider.
7. Drinking mulled cider!
8. Pumpkin roll and pumpkin bread.
9. Colorful mums in the garden.
10. Flannel sheets!
11. Falling leaves.
12. Short days.
13. Feeling cozy in the house.
14. Lights in the windows.
15. Eating more soups and stews.
17. Making beeswax candles.
18. Hiking in the woods.
19. Taking a Fall foliage drive.
20. My birthday!

I suppose I could go on and on.

I love to change the look of the house inside when autumn comes. We put on the flannel sheets, we bring out the down throw blankets, and other soft, warm throws. I use soft lighting in our home. We drink hot chocolate while reading good books. We drink apple cider both cold and warm! I delight in making my home a haven at all times for my family and friends to come to and feel loved and welcome.

Do you love the autumn? If so what things do you love about it?


amy said...

Hi there!
I enjoyed your list of your favorite fall things. (I followed your link at The Inspired Room)
BTW, I especially enjoyed the music playing while I was here!
Have a blessed day!

Local Girl said...

I hear you with the flannel sheets and the mulled cider!

Mine are

The Apple Festival in our town
Harvest Festival at the Cathedral
Flannel Sheets
Hot Water Bottles
Playing Conkers (British children's game)
Pumpkin Carving
Candle Making

Thanks for putting me in such a happy autumn mood :)

Blessings Liz

Deb said...

Wonderful Fall Nesting Autumn list. It's my favourite season too :-)

Becky K. said...

I LOVE Fall!!!

It is a joy to step outside to the crisp air that is so easy to breathe. Humidity makes me tired.

Your list sounds perfect to me.


Brenda Pruitt said...

It doesn't get cold here like it does where you live. But I love flannel sheets (hubby hates them). Ah, I can dream. Still, yearning for fall!

Kelly said...

I start drinking more tea. I tend not to drink tea much over the summer because I prefer hot tea, but don't care to drink hot things in the heat of summer.

We also love hot chocolate. And I love walking at the project and taking photographs because fall is loaded with beautiful rich colors.

Fruitful Harvest said...

I love fall too~
I love going to the State fair.
Harvesting the garden~
Cooking more with the crock pot and bread maker!
Snuggleing in and early to bed with a good book!
Evening baths~with a cup of hot herbal tea and a good magazine!

I too could go on and on!

Great post! I love the leaf picture!


Beth said...

I love your blog! It is so nice to read about other people's lives, especially when people appreciate little things. It's amazing how different my life is from people I work with at my part time job. I'm so grateful for how I was raised and what my parents instilled in me all those many years ago! (church functions, work on our little farm, canning veggies, etc.) I love the fall as well! It smelled like fall last night and I loved it! Blessings! Beth

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Welcome to all you sweet ladies visiting from The Inspired Room!

Ronda said...

Good Mornin my friend,

Like you I also love fall. Crisp crunchy leaves, cool air, more time outside enjoying God's beautiful scenery, hot cocoa and hot cappuccino, and family and friends.

Enjoy your day.

Love & Prayers,

Fruitful Harvest said...

Hi there~
I came over last night and posted a comment here and on your tea party post!

I don't see either one? So I will try again.

I love your blog!
I too love fall!
I enjoy the State fair.
A bath and a good magazine
Foggy mornings and hot coffee!

Well blessings,

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

flannel sheets and cider! DELICIOUS!

fall blessings!

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