Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Quiet Weekend

We had a quiet Saturday.

Tim was home during the day but worked overnight. He did a bit of work on the barn, and then helped me by hauling all the weeds and cuttings from the front flowerbeds, to the gully where we dump them. I love to cut the garden back in the fall, many perennials were ready to be put to bed for the year.

I also tried out a recipe for pumpkin scones with maple butter. They were very good! I think I will be making these for our tea at church.

Several of the littles have colds and with it being gloomy and then rainy this afternoon and evening - it is still raining - they spent a quiet day as well. They helped a bit outside, but mostly played quietly and listened to Jonathan Park on cd and watched a movie. They got ready for bed early and also went to bed early. Kyle took a while to go to sleep so I let him snuggle in bed with me. Rachel who is one of the sickies, is now in my bed sound asleep. It is precious to be able to care for them when they are not feeling well.

The older girls put in quite a long day at work today. They came home tired. Lindsay who is not feeling so great either, got a shower and went to bed.

One of us will be staying home with the kids tomorrow morning. It is heartbreaking to Kyle as he will not get to see his friend at church. We all hate to miss.

I foresee naps tomorrow afternoon, some chicken corn soup, a pot of tea, and another quiet day.

Many blessings to you and yours!


Pink Slippers said...

I love the days when everyone is going to take a nap. Including Mommy.

Melissa G said...

I'm sorry you all are sick!

We're going to have to miss church today too. =(

Those scones sounds really yummy!

Shonni said...

Sounds like such a perfect day!

~~Deby said...

ahhhh....there is a sweetness that comes from this post to me..your tender loving care as a mom shines through...goood job....aren't you glad you are home to take care of them...what a blessing and testimony you are.

tea time and roses said...

Sounds like a most lovely day.:o) Enjoy a beautiful week.



Anonymous said...

how did the pumpkin scones turn out


Home Keeping

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