Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, August 2, 2010

A Certain Someone Turns Five Tomorrow...

And we are taking today to prep for it!

Tim, Emily and I are going to shop for a special gift for him - a new bike!  Don't tell him and ruin the surprise, ok?  He has outgrown his old one.  Tim also wants to get him a wrist rocket.  He does really well with the sling shot Lindsay made him.

My parents have a scooter for him.  He will be so thrilled, because now when Rachel and Sarah are riding their scooters he won't be left out!  He loves to do stuff with his sisters!  It will be fun to see him enjoy both his gifts tomorrow!

The plan today is for Lindsay to take Kyle, Sarah and Rachel with her to our friends place, where she helps out on Mondays as a mother's helper.  With July being busy for both our families Lindsay hasn't been there for about a month.  Every Sunday at church all the children in that family ask "Are you coming over tomorrow, Lindsay?"  They have missed her.  This has created such a special bond between Lindsay and this family.

Now, before I shop I must run to the dentist this morning...time to clean the ol' bicuspids.  

Have a lovely day!


Becky K. said...

Oh, this will be a big and fun week at your house.

Becky K.

Melissa G said...

Oh, he's going to have so much fun with his gifts!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Kyle tomorrow!!
Wow....can hardly believe that he is getting that old already. Seems like yesterday when you were pregnant with him....time seems to go by so fast!!

Have lots of fun blessing him and celebrating with him!!

Laura K.

Karen said...

Tell him Happy Birthday for me!

Sounds like he's going to have a great day!

Alicia @ said...

Happy birthday cute boy!! Both gifts sound great!

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