Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday Morning Thoughts

This little beauty came to visit yesterday.  She has grown so much lately!  It is fun because every time we see her we can see visible change.  She smiles alot and coos...she laughs...she sometimes cries...but even that is precious isn't it?

Sometimes I have to remind myself that I am a Grandmother!  A new generation has been started in our family.  I was telling her of all the fun things she will get to do at Grandma's house as she gets bigger.  

Playing with Aunties and Uncle Kyle

Riding in the wagon behind the tractor



Playing in the creek

Riding horses

picking garden produce

chasing dogs

playing doll house

riding bikes

We also pray that this sweet girl will get to come to church with us and spend Sundays will all our friends.  We pray that she will love Jesus at a young age....

Kamryn comes from a Godly heritage, not a perfect one.  Her great great great grandfather, prayed for her generations ago - he prayed everyday for his children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and "all the many generations," that they would know the Lord and walk in His ways.

The little girls are still suffering with poison something....Sarah started last night, though hers seemed more like hives, that seems to be how her body deals with this stuff.  Rachel is swollen again in the face.  I likely will be calling in the morning to see what is up.  Her itching is still there though not as terrible as it was.  Today will mark 48 hours on the prednisone and that is supposed to be a big change time - we'll see.

I am home today with the little is a quiet morning here.  I miss being with our church family, but it is important to care for the girls.  Sometimes when they don't feel great there is much emotional care that needs to take place as well.  I am thankful to be there mama and to give them the love and support they need.

We as a family have been reading Psalm 119.  It is very long, but we have been doing 2 sections a day.  It is such a great reminder of how important the Word is and how it is life changing...Psalm 119:105 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."  The Lord will show us where to walk as we continue in His word - this is so encouraging to me.  I just need to look to His word to show me where to walk...

I trust that your day will be spent walking with the Lord in paths laid out for you by Him....


Anonymous said...

That "poison something" sounds dreadful! Praying for all of you!
Hope things start to clear up soon!!

Becky K. said...

We missed you this morning.

Hope the girls are feeling better soon.

Becky K.

Unknown said...

That first expression says it all! Hee hee! I have a 5-month old grandson (my first grandchild) and he has me smitten with his facial talk!

Hugs, KJ

Bee said... can be sooooo bad. Emily had a little on her face a few weeks ago. We found a few years ago by accident that our prescription acne medicine dries it up. It burns if you've been scratching but seems to help it disappear quickly.

Chicken Wrangler said...

Hope you can get to the bottom of the poison somethings soon...

~~Deby said...

She is getting so big...what a precious little girl...I cannot wait to meet my new grandaughter this fall...
praying that your girls are doing better...

Terri said...

Kamryn is sweet...I love the story about her heritage. Sounds very similar to my family. Last year both of my mom's parents passed away and I wonder sometimes what we lost in the passing of our prayer warriors. All the more reason for the next generations to take up where they left off, I guess. Hope your school year is in full swing and going well!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...