Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Darling Little Quilt

I think that I have mentioned the dvd series from Franklin Springs Family Media, "Homestead Blessings."  The West Ladies have a wonderful set of dvd's that teach cooking, breadmaking, candlemaking, soapmaking, canning, sewing, quilting...the list goes on!

A sweet and easy project they show on their sewing dvd is a rag quilt done for a baby.  As you all know I sew for my girls a lot and there is always fabric left over from projects that I save in my 'stash' for some unknown project...

Well, a month ago or so, I was digging through my stash and saw all the various shades of pink that I had.  I though of this project and decided to try it.  That day I got my cutting board (for sewing) out and measured out 5x5 inch squares in the various materials.  I had found 6 different patterns and was able to do 6 squares of each one, and set the project aside needing to find the batting and backing material.

I purchased "Warm and Natural" quilt batting by the yard at Joann Fabric and backing material at the PA Fabric Outlet.

Monday I sat down and cut out the batting squares needed and the backing material squares and then put the layers together.  They then are sewn on the diagonal to give an 'X' across each square.  Then it is a simple matter of sewing the pieces together in strips and then sewing the strips together!  Really quick and simple.  The longest part of the whole project was snipping the edges of the quilt so that when it was washed and dried it would ravel and give the 'rag' look.

This little quilt is going to be a gift for a dear friend who is expecting a new baby girl next month.  It was made with love and when I look at it, I see the remnants of skirts and dresses that I have made either for myself, my girls or sweet little friends.

This would be an easy project for younger sewers to work on and I am thinking of making a few "throw" quilts using this idea, but doing larger squares.

This is such a fun and rewarding project!  It is easy to work on ahead of time, by sitting in the evenings and cutting squares out of fabric!  Then on the day of assembly it goes really fast!

Here is a link to my friend Karen's blog - she made a full sized baby rag quilt for the friend of her daughters who is expecting a baby.

Here is a preview of Hannah and Vickie West showing how to sew this quilt!  


Tracy said...

I love these quilts! I haven't yet made one, but was just talking with a woman from the local quilt shop about them the other day. I need to get busy. Well, after canning that is!

Becky K. said...

So very cute! I love it and so will our friend.

I forgot about the hammock. Now I will try to find it and make sure we give it to you.

Becky K.

The Pennington Point said...

I love that you made it almost completely with scraps from other projects. It would be a great pattern for my girls to try. I will show it to them. Thanks for the idea! Lisa~

~~Deby said...

I love this quilt..and of course the colors are perfect for my taste...
Stampin up makes a square die for their Big Shot die cut machine that you can cut all the squares with..they are scalloped so you don't have to go back and do the cutting of the edges..I have even seen the cutes purses made with this is on my "list"..I started organizing my sewing/craft room hopefully the day will come ...good job

sherry said...

this is too pretty!
i'm putting my order in for one.
not that i'm having a baby...
i'd need a womb for that.
and i'm old.
and post menopausal .. almost.
but i still want one.
i'd put it on my lap.
it'd fit cuz i'm a hobbit.


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Ooh Deby, that stamp thing sounds neat!

jAne - I would be delighted to make a quilt for you....what colors would you like?

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Love, love your quilts...Great blog

Ronda said...

Your quilt is just beautiful!!!

I know your friend will love it.

You are talented and so sweet to make such a lovely thing for her.

Have a peachy keen day!

Love & Prayers,


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this idea. It is easy enough for me! LOL

sherry said...

mrsRabe ~ ~ ~

i'm just funnin' ya.
seriously i am.
but ...........

cream tones (prayer quilt)


Melissa G said...

Oh i love the quilt! It's so pretty!

Karen Andreola said...

The colors and prints of your chosen fabric are warm and attractive. You have such an eye when comes to shades of color. "Pretty" is the perfect word for your quilt. I've always been partial to raspberry reds and pinks. Aren't they cozy?

Joy said...

Your quilt is beautiful! I know what you mean about the snipping taking the longest time. I also had a cramp in my hand after making Ezra's quilt last year! :)

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