Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, September 20, 2010


My son called last night...

He and his girlfriend have broken up.

They do have their issues.  Most of them are caused by immaturity and a lack of unity.  I have never been in the position of being in a relationship like they have had...not married yet having a child.

They both love her to pieces.  My son has been working hard to provide for them.

We wonder things like "Will we still get to see her" and "What will this look like?" 

We have grown to love Kayleigh.  She is a part of our family. 

In many ways it is like a divorce.  Why do people think that not being married will make everything easier?

Where will they both live?  Who will watch Kamryn while Kay goes to work? 

My heart is so heavy this morning...

I want my sweet girl to be here so I can hold her and love on her.  She is too young to know how her life is going to change.  She won't get to see Daddy everyday...

Kay and Nate we love you both and are praying for you more than ever.


Chicken Wrangler said...

That's VERY sad. And so hard to completely understand another person's choices in life. The most certain thing about life is CHANGE. And there is always hope...Prayers that your relationship with baby and mom will continue on a positive note. **hugs**....

Phyllis said...

Kay we love you as well and hope to still be a part of your and Kamryn's life. We will be praying for you and all the decisions you will be having to make.

Tracy said...

It is very sad news, Deanna. Not being married in this situation doesn't make anything easier, does it?

Perhaps, with some time to grow up, they'll come to know the Lord, resolve their issues, and be a family somewhere down the road.

I'm certain there are laws allowing both Nate and your family time with Kamryn. My brother is in a similar situation (in PA, too) and he gets set days.

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you! I don't know if you have thought this far ahead yet, but grandparents do have legal visitation rights. She will need your love and guidance in the future. Could you be the sitter while the mother is working? Prayers of wisdom going to the Father!
Much love,

sherry said...

~*(~*(~*( gentle hug )*~)*~)*~

i'm so sorry.
prayer heavenward <><

Jen said...

so sad to hear that. i hope that you will be able to help out with the baby and give her the stability of a family.

Anonymous said...

Such a difficult situation to be in as a grandparent! I pray that the Lord will really work a miracle in the lives of these young ones!

Melissa G said...

This post made me cry. I'd love to meet Kayleigh some day.
Sending you a big HUG!

Becky K. said...

You are very much on my mind today.
I am so sorry....

Nate and Kay - If you read this know that I love both of you too and hope that things work out best for everyone involved. Kay, I cannot forget that HUGE baby belly and the fun at your shower.


Becky K.

Terri said...

I'm sorry to hear this-for everyone's sake. I have many thoughts on the issue...and much experience in raising children alone. My encouragement to Nate to be in Kamryn's life daily in some capacity. She is tiny, but needs her daddy's love every day. Praying that you will have wisdom as you love all three of them and discernement as you choose what to say and not say along the way.

Alicia @ said...

I am so sorry to hear this. I pray that they would turn to the Lord and seek Him in all that they choose to do. And I pray you will be able to be an active part in the baby's life as well, grandparents are so important. Lifting this whole situation in much prayer.

~~Deby said...

I will join you in prayer...for the situation..all aspects and all those concerned..I know your "mother's heart" must be breaking a to yu and yours, Deby

Karen said...

I am so sorry Deanna-I know this breaks your heart.

I got your note yesterday and will set it somewhere to remind me to pray for Nate and Kay particularly, but also for the rest of your family.

Kelly said...

We are so sorry to hear this. We will be praying for all of you, especially Nate, Kay and Kamryn.

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