Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, September 13, 2010

Miss Kamryn came by for a visit on Saturday...her momma and daddy came too!
Grandpa was busy with many things, but he finally had the chance to sit and hold her!

She will be 3 months old on Wednesday - it has gone by so fast...
She is smiley now and loves to 'talk'.
She was sleepy when Uncle Kyle held her...I read his current favorite book, Big Red Barn by Margaret Wise Brown, to them both and she fell asleep in his arms!  So sweet!
Lindsay sprained her ankle Sunday has happened about 5 times to the same ankle since she was about 12 years old...she stayed off of it most of the day.
My butterfly bushes are still blooming...
and so is this climbing starts blooming about June and just keeps going....
Tim took advantage of the beautiful weather to wash the van and his truck...
Lindsay and I talked about the garden and what we want to do for next year....
She thinks we need to get a Scottish Highland cow!  They are our favorite kind, we love how they look and she thinks they would taste good!
Kyle had a special surprise!  Grandpa took him on a secret trip to ride Thomas the Tank engine at the Strasburg Railroad today!  He had no idea and was thrilled when he realized!  He called me from the train!  You could hear the excitement and smile in his voice!


sherry said...

such a lovely account of your lovely family. that baby is just too too too! so sweet.


Anonymous said...

My boys loved the train there. (Actually, they still love trains! LOL) Your grandaughter is so precious! Praying that the sprain will heal quickly. Have a blessed week in the Lord.

Becky K. said...

A cow? Well, that would be a real addition to your Cottage pasture.

Sorry about Lindsay's ankle.

Kamryn is just too is Kyle in that last photo.

See you later, I think. Warren is recovering and is in a LOT of pain!


Karen said...

Sweet pics!

She is growing so is it that I forget so easily how quickly they grow?

I think she looks like Uncle Kyle in that third picture-it's those big, beautiful eyes.

Hope Lindsay's ankle is mending and not giving her pain. Saying a prayer for her now.

Tracy said...

Oh, Deanna! The lump that must catch in your throat when you see your loving husband holding your sweet grandbaby! They look like they enjoy one another.

So sorry about Lindsey's ankle. It's good that she was wise enough to rest it.

My children will be very jealous of your cow if you get one. Me, too!

Melissa G said...

You have a lovely family.
I miss you!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...