Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Weekend Full Of Refreshment

The weather this weekend was glorious!

We wanted to be out in it as much as possible after weeks of such intense heat and humidity.  We took a picnic lunch to a nearby state park we love and then spent some time looking at the river from the point.

We met friends there for a while to celebrate a very nice young man's thirteenth birthday.  We had to come home early because Tim is working this weekend.  I made potato cheese soup for dinner, and had a lot left over.

Today after a very nice church service, dear friends from church came over. I reheated the soup, Lindsay made a delicious salad and garlic bread.  Emily made her famous ranch dressing and a veggie platter.  Our guests brought drinks and snacks to share.

There was lots of eating and laughing and talking.  Horses ridden, little boys playing in the creek and in the hammock, every where really...

One of our friends who came over is a single man, never married, no kids.  He is very caring and loves all the kids of the church.  Today he did something very special.  He gave me some money and asked that I would take a young lady who attends our church, to purchase some things that he learned that she was in need of.  This young lady's family background is challenging and she had a need for some clothes.  Emily, and I, my friend Kelly and this young gal headed out for a few hours this afternoon.  We were able to go to the outlets, to one that I take my girls to for jeans, especially.  We found great stuff for her, and we were able to give him money back!

It was a blessing to be a part of this.  She was thankful and surprised, and it was a practical outpouring of caring for one another.  

This week is going to be hot again, but we have had a preview this weekend of the splendor of Autumn weather and the delight that it brings to us all.  God is so good to bring us refreshing times just when we need it.  I have been refreshed in more ways than one this weekend and I am so thankful.


Terra said...

I love this story about the man thinking to provide money for the young lady, and then you had the joy of taking her shopping. God is good. And I saw you mentioned riding horses, now that would be fun.

Simple Home said...

I loved reading this story about how this young man blessed the young lady with money, and you, Emily and your friend blessed her with your time. You all ministered in such a special, personal way. This is how Jesus would've done it too. So inspiring.
I make potato soup, but I've never made potato cheese soup. I'd love to hear how you make it :-)

Anonymous said...

What a special young man! That is truly being a follower of Christ! Have a blessed week!

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