Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, September 10, 2010

Autumn Has Come To The Cottage

I am linking up with Melissa's 3rd Annual Fall Nesting Party!
Click here to join the fun!

I normally like to wait a few weeks more...

not wanting to get tired of the decor....

but this year my tea is a month early....

and the weather is changing....

So Lindsay and I added just a few touches here...

and there....

to bring warmth and welcome to those who live in our home, and those who visit....


Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Good Morning Sweetie...
Oh how happy I am your tea arrived early. I love each of the beautiful Fall touches that you have added to the Cottage. Oh how beautiful the wreath looks, and it is so inviting. Yes it does say, "Welcome Friends". I love it.

I also adore the white pitcher filled with Fall sunflowers. How happy that makes my heart this morning.

Thank you my friend for a most beautiful share. I loved my visit.

Many hugs and much love, Sherry

Michelle said...

Hi! As I was looking through blogs at fall decorations I came upon yours. Your fall touches look some inviting! I hope you will come visit me at Southern Somedays soon.

Kelly said...

Everything looks lovely. I don't think you'll grow tired of the lovely fall colors decorating your home after such a sweltering summer. I am loving the current cooler days.

southerninspiration said...

Those are SUCH fallish it, love favorite season!


Emma* said...

I love the fall wheather and decor!

Can't wait to curl my hair again!

love you!

Katieannsmama said...

Hi. I just discovered your blog today through Melissa's fall party! I just wanted to tell you that your blog is so welcoming and encouraging! Love the music, the quote in your header, and the warm colors!

The Pennington Point said...

Oh it's so pretty. I love to decorate for fall. You and I like the same's fun to see your house! Lisa~

Joy said...

How festive! I love fall, and your decor looks very warm and inviting! You've inspired me to work on my own house! :)

Melissa G said...

I think it looks great! I love the autumn decor.

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