Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Crisp Autumn Morning To Welcome My Busy Day

It's a lovely crisp morning here.  I have the door that leads to our deck open letting the coolness in.  The sun is shining but it is supposed to rain again overnight.  We are thankful to the Lord for the break in the rain - to move Kay and Kamryn more easily and so that Lindsay's riding students don't have to miss a day of lessons.  At this time of year they know their lesson time is coming to an end when the weather turns colder.

I don't know how much quiet sitting I will be doing today.  I love this painting though...It is called "Lunchtime Preparations" and painted by William Blacklock.  I often sit in the morning quiet by my livingroom window and read my bible.  I need that time to hear from the Lord and have Him speak to my heart.  My Bible has been missing for a few weeks.  I have had to use Tim's and it is just not the same as my own.  I have put off buying a new one because I want the old one!  The old one has my notes and things I have underlined.  It has all the places that I have worn into it....

It is the craziest thing.  I brought it home from church (I have looked at church just to make sure) unloaded my bag and now no Bible.  I had a houseful of people over that day...but who of them would take my Bible?  It is not the first time that something has gone missing after a Sunday with a houseful of people here.  I had two white birds that used to sit on my piano.  Usually the would go unseen because of the music books that were always open to the current music being practiced.    A few days went by and I closed all the books and put them into the bench so that I could dust the piano properly and surprisingly there was only one bird!  I asked all the kids, no one had seen it or touched it.  I asked if maybe someone had accidentally broken it?  No.  So the mystery remains.  I guess if someone is taking mementos from my home, I trust that they will use my Bible.

Kay and Kamryn are moving in today.  Pray for a smooth transition for everyone.
I am off to take Kyle to the dentist.

I hope you have a lovely day.


Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Good Morning Sweetie...
What a beautiful and peaceful share this morning. I can see you in your chair with the doors open to let in the cool breeze as you find peace amongst the pages of Gods' word. So beautiful sweet friend.

(We are still having triple digit days here in the desert and the air remains on for breathing purposes.)

Do you remember the story about the Borrowers? Maybe the Borrowers have moved in with you and they are borrowing a few of your things. How funny that they only took (1) bird and the precious word of God. Keep me posted on this one. I would be curious too.

Have a beautiful day sweet friend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

Phyllis said...

I have often noticed that things were missing from my home. I would look and look and not be able to find them. Sometimes weeks would pass and there they would be right where they should be. I always believed the "borrowers" took them and then brought them back.

Tracy said...

I hope you find your Bible. We have things disappear here too, once in awhile. Often, it's Autumn's shoes. They'll be gone for weeks and then turn up just where they are supposed to be. Weird!

Kay, Kamryn, Kyle.... you're almost like the Duggars! LOL

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...