Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

An Ordinary Life....

Dogs underfoot at all times - thinking they are children.  Children learning lessons, playing outside in the sunshine,  or even cooler weather.  Older ones going to their part time jobs at a local corn maze, going to help a family at church, welcoming people into our home.  All of this accomplished by the Grace of God and what He is doing in our lives.

 Riding lessons for horse loving students...she knows their hearts so well!  Making videos, for fun and for co-op purposes, driving her siblings to run errands....she is a hero to many children.

Loving relationships with Grandparents...overnights, playing wii, lots of hugs and kisses!

Last year of high school work, continuing to grow and learn.  A loyal friend, a fun sister.

Growing so fast, turning into a young lady.  A lover of babies and animals - daily checking the garden and baking up delicious treats!

A cheerful and delightful spirit!  Loving her friends and family, loving to pretend and play.  Such an imagination!

We are so blessed to live such an ordinary life...How about you?


Tracy said...

Blessed you are! Such beautiful smiles on those faces!

Chicken Wrangler said...

Ordinary life??? If only others could have such an amazing ordinary life! You are blessed indeed, to even REALIZE it!!!

Karen said...

Love this post! And yes, I'm glad to have a wonderful, ordinary life, too.

(I'm having trouble with your blog again. Thankfully, I can still read it in my google reader but commenting is tricky because I can't get the page to load. So if you don't see comments from me, you'll know why.)

Ronda said...

Lovely children, happy faces, beautiful pictures. How blessed you are!

I love my ordinary life also, and I recognize that having an "ordinary life" is fast becoming a "rarity" and it is not quiet so ordinary any more.

However, rare or not, I adore our simple, ordinary, everyday life.
Happiness and simplisicty....LUV IT!!!

Have A Peachy Keen Day!
Love & Prayers,

Phyllis said...

I am thankful that I am a part of your ordinary life. Love you all.

tea time and roses said...

A most lovely post. I love my ordinary life:o)



The Pennington Point said...

Oh yes, I love my simple, ordinary life. Those pictures are worth a million are blessed! Lisa~

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