Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, August 6, 2010


After a busy few months, my house needs a good cleaning.  It is not the big things, it is all the little areas.  Like corners, and under furniture.  Dust, dog hair, girl hair, string, hair elastics, socks, little cars, legos....It is easier to clean when you keep up with everything, which I feel I have been barely capable of doing lately!  

On top of the extra cleaning, all the regular work of running a household need to be done too.  Laundry, cooking, sewing, mending.  And with it being summer we have gardening to keep up with as well.  August is a huge month for peaches around here and I have two boxes of peaches to can in the next few days!

I am reading "Farmer Boy", by Laura Ingalls Wilder to the younger kids.  Almanzo's mother is a dynamo.  She is a busy woman, and very productive.  She makes me feel lazy, and often I am.  I have many modern conveniences as well, such as a sewing machine, dishwasher, washing machine.  She inspired me to be more active in my home.

Busy at home?  Yes, indeed, but later.  First I am going to do the most important thing on my list!  Breakfast out with my man.


Becky K. said...

I'll bet you enjoyed that breakfast.

I love the smell of peaches being canned. Georgia will be bringing hers here pretty soon. Her stove doesn't accommodate the canner.


Sistergirl said...

Just came across your blog.
I think that is the hardest part of womanhood for me the constant cleaning,washing,sewing and mending. I shouldn't complain because I do not have to go down to river and was but it is a daily job:)

Karen said...

Hair is the bane of my existence! The cat sheds all over, but I feel like I'm not much better. One of the cons of long hair, I think.

I haven't caught up with weeding the garden since we've been gone so much, either. It's a forest of weeds right now. That's what is on my list for today, since the temp and humidity are lower than they've been. I've been wimping out, not wanting to brave the heat/humidity to pull the weeds.

I love summer, but it is more work. I never seem to keep up with it all.

Enjoy your breakfast date! Sounds nice!

Anonymous said...

I need to do peaches this week or the next. I purchase them off of Amish friends. Last year, they introduced me to a variety that the skins just slipped off with a paring knife. Quickest canning job I ever did. If you can't tell...I'm praying they still have that variety! :)

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Ladies, I did enjoy my time with my husband! Great stuff!

Karen, the heat and humidity have kept me out of the flower beds too!

Ruth, do you remember what kind of peaches they were? I get mine from Kauffman's Fruit Orchard in Bird-in-Hand, usually. I love Red Haven, and am trying a new Red Haven type this year called "John Boy." I am also doing 'Flaming Fury' with I think I did last year!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...