Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, October 27, 2014

Confessions Of A Tea Drinker

When I was a girl, I loved the idea of tea, as much as I loved all things British.  But tea at our house was Lipton teabags (or tea dust as I like to say) and it wasn't very tasty.

As I got older, I branched out to try different teas but didn't like many of them.  For years I was a black tea drinker.  I liked English Breakfast, and Scottish breakfast.  I tried Darljeeling and liked it, and I like Oolong too.  

A few years ago I tried Chamomile and really liked it.  I keep some in the house all the time, as it can be helpful with upset tummies and little ones like the taste of it.

Over the years I have tried the following:

Earl Grey - I don't like the Bergamot oil in it.
Green Tea - tastes like grass.
African Rooibos - didn't care for it.
Constant Comment - don't care for it.
Anything with the hibiscus flower - no thank you.

I am so picky aren't it?  Or maybe just boring!

My current favorite is Irish Breakfast tea.  I drink it hot or cold, day or night.  It's my go to, and when I feel like it I use my loose leaf organic Irish Breakfast tea that a friend bought for me.

Recently, I have given a few new to me teas a try.  Cheryl gave me Snowflake tea - loose leaf - when she was here.  I sniffed the bag and it smelled wonderful. I made some and guess what?  I really LIKE it!  I also have been enjoying Harvest Pumpkin Spice. 

Another confession (I hope you're ready for this) on a day to day basis I drink out of a mug, and not a tea cup.  I KNOW.  I own like 35 tea cups, but for daily use it's usually a mug for me.  (keep breathing friends, keep breathing!)

Here are some of my tea cups after a tea party.  I used the Waterlogue app to do this.

Well, there are my current tea confessions.  I hope you'll still be my friends.  I am now going to finish my Irish Breakfast tea, drunk out of a red plaid mug.


Cheryl said...

Tee hee! Yep...still friends!

Taste is so individual, isn't it? Sometimes it takes a long time to discover what we really like. And then, lo and behold, our taste changes! That is how I am with teas. I drink something for weeks or even months, and then all of a sudden, I want something else.

(I am glad that you liked the Snowflake tea...but it would have been okay if you didn't!) :)

Antiques And Teacups said...

Nice to visit your blog! Come over and link to Tuesday Cuppa's open now! Saw your post in ATAA Fb. Love the waterlogue app! My favorite contines as Darjeeling no matter what else I try....

Bernideen said...

Enjoyed your tea posting!

Martha said...

Loved the post and the photograph! And yes, tea is like wine, taste is personal!

Micupoftea said...

Looks like you enjoy basic, strong cuppas! haha...Teabag tea is usually very low quality and I don't care for most of them. Like you, I also don't care for flowery or perfumy tea. You might, however, find you like rooibos after all. I didn't think I liked it until I tried Tazo Vanilla Rooibos Parfait. Happy tea drinking :)

Snap said...

Visiting from ATAA. I love all kinds of tea and it's not what you drink the tea from, but that you drink tea! Love your tartan mug.

podso said...

I like a variety of tea, and for my afternoon tea, if alone, I drink out of a mug. My go to tea is PGTips. I absolutely love it--so comforting.

Rebecca said...

I try to like tea. I really DO :)

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I drink my tea in a mug too unless I have a friend over, then the teacups come out of the china cabinet.
I've tried many flavours and am narrowing down my preference to just a few favourites.
The plaid mug would be a favourite for me.

Heather said...

I love tea! I do occasionally drink from a mug, so we can still be friends. :-)

Growing up, I drank Red Rose tea at my grandparents home. Then in 2000 my hubby bought me a beautiful tea set and I met my dearest friend Lottie and she introduced me to the world of good quality loose leaf tea. :-) I mainly drink English or Irish breakfast now, but I have tried pretty much everything over the years. For a few years I pretty much only drank Harney and Sons Paris tea, which is like Earl Grey. I think I must have burnt myself out, because I can't stand it now. :-)

We need to get together for tea sometime. :-)

GrammaGrits said...

I, too, love tea but my go-to one every morning is a mixture of 2 parts black tea, one part green and one part jasmine. That still gives the benefit of the green, but it has the punch of the black. Have you tried Harney and Sons tea from Connecticut? They're online and have great prices! Understand the mug - the tea cups just don't hold enough, do they? I use one occasionally, but for every day the mug is a must!!!

Lorrie said...

Oooh, tea confessions. "I have my own," she said coyly.

I really like loose tea but the caffeine in it bothers me after just one weak cup, so I'm drinking decaf varieties. I enjoy Earl Grey and for me, Twinings is the best. Besides I love those tins when the tea is empty.

Mugs - yes. The tea stays hotter, there's more in it, and if it's china, it tastes the same to me.


Melissa G said...

We're collecting quite a collection of tea here in AK. Now that it's a lot colder than FL we find ourselves drinking more tea and coffee. Elijah loves tea too. :) I love it.

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