Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, October 16, 2014

After The Rain

This morning is a bit hazy, it may be partially cloudy all day, but the rain that came and dropped 4+ inches is gone.

 I can't quite capture it, but this small red tree is so stunning.  It is in my sight every time I walk in the kitchen.  I see it out the sliding door to the deck.  
I took this with my phone from my deck this morning.  They aren't great but they give you an idea of the beauty in the changing leaves that I am experiencing at our home.

I am hopeful that the chairs and table on the deck will dry up and I'll be able to sit outside and enjoy the beauty.

How is Autumn coming along where you live?


A Whole Lotta Magic said...

Wow! That's some scenery; where do you live?

podso said...

Beautiful. And your grass is so green. I love those red leaves, whatever tree they are. We are just starting to see a hint of color. We have to go to the highlands to see any real color right now. Lots of people drive up to the mountains this coming weekend, which is usually the "peak weekend."

Lois said...

Your backyard is as gorgeous as a park!! I miss those beautiful, vibrant fall colors. I was a fellow PA girl. :-) We do get beautiful trees here in MS, just not as many and not quite as vibrant.

Elizabeth said...

I love all your beautiful fall color!

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...