Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, October 31, 2014

Gathering The Moments

Oh, October, how I love you.

We gathered moments with good friends, but somehow I don't have a photo of that time though she does.  You can see them here.    We love this family.

 We began the month with my birthday and a trip to see the changing leaves.

 There was beauty in our own backyard

 We pulled out our flannel sheets and wool blanket throws to cozy up the house.

I delighted in the beauty of this month, and the chance to enjoy the beauty of being outdoors without the heat of summer.

Come Gather the Moments with us at Thinking About Home.  Cheryl is a wonderful hostess.


podso said...

I forgot that you have your birthday in your favorite month. That's neat. It is amazing all the variety of events we fit into a month.

Cranberry Morning said...

So you were an October baby. How lovely! Beautiful water and foliage photos. I like the map next to the bed. We have maps everywhere in our house. I started collecting them when we homeschooled for 21 years. The throws look cozy! . I hate to say goodbye to October.

Cheryl said...

You are so sweet...we love your family too and are thankful that we had some shared "moments" this month!!

What a lovely month this has been...colorful, cozy, and celebratory! Thanks for gathering with me!

Sue said...

Happy belated birthday wishes, we have a few Oct. birthdays in our family! Enjoyed your Gathering the Moments for October. I love the fact that you and your husband take time to spend with your family making wonderful memories!

This month has always been a favorite of mine, I think it is because I get to see God's beauty shine forth in the landscapes, it's like He takes a paint brush and creates such masterpieces!
the photo of you is absolutely beautiful, the hairstyle is so flattering!
Thank you for praying for my mother, she continues to heal from her surgery, we are now waiting to find out the course of her treatment, continued prayers will be so much appreciated, she has been such a trooper through this ordeal.

Maryann said...

Beautiful photos of the water and your yard. I could sit and look at that view all afternoon, enjoyed your gathering moments

Lorrie said...

Your birthday, my birthday - Happy Birthday to us! October is a great month. Lovely photos of your month's activities. Here's to November!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Happy Birthday, it is a month of beauty in which to celebrate.

Theresa said...

The warmth and coziness of our homes is a true blessing! I enjoyed your pictures, beautiful fall colors! Have a blessed evening dear friend, HUGS!

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