Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Home Keeping: Cleaning and Organizing

I've been making good progress in the basement of our sweet cottage, clearing out the old stuff that's been stored for many years without being used.  Not everything went, but a lot did, and that makes me glad.

Yesterday, I tackled another area that needed sorting.  I do the three piles method - Keep, Give Away, Trash.  It works for me.

This is part of my storage closet that Tim build for me years ago.  This half of it holds my decorating items as well as dishes and bakeware that I don't use regularly.  The dishes are mostly seasonal, but I have glass luncheon plates and a punchbowl and cups that I keep to use for teas and other parties.

 Its pretty chaotic here.  Part of the reason is that I'm not always the one putting things away.  I have elves that help me, and I'm happy for their help, but they don't always put things away the way that I would.

I pulled most things off the selves and sorted them into piles.  These are items that I am keeping.

 These are give away stuff (Kay came and took most of the glass plates and bowls) and Kyle is grabbing the trash items.  He came down to help me after I was finished with the shelves.

It may not look much different but I can tell that things are organized and tidy.  Seasonal items are together, items I don't want small children to touch are on higher shelves.  I was up and down my step stool many times, and later that day my back protested!
 I'm really happy with the results.  Next week I hope to tackle the other side of this closet.  Its where my pantry storage is and the upper shelves have some random items.  This side won't take as long to sort, thankfully!

Are you working on any projects this summer?  Let's talk in the comments!  I am going to start responding in the comments as so many ladies are 'no-reply commentors.'  This means that your settings keep me from being able to email you after you comment.

Here is a link to instructions on how you can change your settings if you want to.  


Ginny said...

We are in the midst of a huge project. The craft room is moving from the main floor to the finished area of our basement; my little granddaughter's playroom is moving from the second floor to the old craft room, and the playroom is going back to being the guest room plus sleeping quarters for my granddaughter when she is here two days a week. It's been a lot of work moving the craft room - I didn't know I had so much stuff! Some things went into the trash. We have many items that will go to a craft thrift store (the proceeds go to a worthy cause). Just tonight we put brackets on the walls for two long shelves so when the boards are dry tomorrow we can put them up. I still have some items to paint over the next few days, so no rest yet. It all must be done by the evening of July 10, but we have some family obligations next week that will eat into work time. I'm so tired!

Cheryl said...

I have a few projects on my to-do list this summer, but I haven't started either of them yet! The month of June has gotten away from me (we've not finished school yet and then there has been driver's ed for two weeks), and I have dental surgery in July, and then August is birthdays and more birthdays. I'd better start tackling those projects in the cracks!

Your storage closet is enviable! So much space. You're doing a good job getting it organized.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

That is a big job! Its nice to be able to use the spaces in our homes in the ways that suit us at different stages! I hope these days that you won't be working on your project will allow you some rest!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Where did June go?! We leave in a few weeks for California! We have dental appointments, too, Sarah's birthday. I have a few things that I think you may like. I'll add it to your birthday stuff from nearly two years ago! ha!

Our lives have gotten crazy, haven't they?

Deanna said...

Deanna, Your Summer project looks fantastic. My Summer project is an ongoing fire recovery. Not sure how long it will take to complete.
Just have to keep on keeping on,

Elizabethd said...

My project is The Shed in the garden. For five years it has housed the last boxes from our move from France, my husband's tools and various bits and pieces. The tools are gone, so many big power tools that he cannot now use, given to a charity who will make use of them in retraining young people. The books are waiting to go to a charity bookshop. But I've come to a stop for now.
Your shelves look very organised!

podso said...

Your storage closet looks great! How wonderful to have storage like that! We southern homes do not have basements and many don't have garages, so it's a challenge to keep anything extra around. One of my big projects was washing all the windows, which I just finished. My summer is short as I'm having a knee replacement in a few weeks and have a vacation before that and family visiting--so my time is about up. But I love a good project!

Sylvia said...

I am still going through and doing the same, keep, give away and trash, after one and a half years since we moved. Always something to do and keep us busy. I need to be better about using my time.

Vee said...

I would say that I am in puttering mode...not a whole lot of energy these days to's all the rain. What a great place for storing your seasonal items. I was starting to feel jealous, but had to laugh when I realized that I have wonderful storage shelves of my own, which are not being utilized as beautifully as yours are.

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Great job! I'm going through my home this summer tackling a room or two a week to deep clean and etc. I have gotten a lot accomplished. I still have 6 areas before I start school back.

Rebecca said...

I can only imagine how good that must feel! (Actually, I did some pretty serious sorting/trashing/giving away awhile back....but I need to do some more!) What an incredibly handy storage area you have, by the way.

Rhonda said...

What a great storage area - I'm jealous! I just don't have room for something like that in this itty bitty house! I'm planning after the 4th to start really getting busy on getting things in order around here. Time management has not been my friend lately but I'm going to bunker down and get things done!

J. Johnson said...

My project is to finally clean out my late husband's library. While I've donated/shredded several books/shelving/things, it is still chock full. Since he's been gone 7 years, it is past time to do.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Oh I am sorry! That must be so stressful.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

How thoughtful of you to donate your husbands tools to a charity that can really use them, and will use them to train young people!

My parents are working on downsizing their things. Its a hard task to decide what to keep and what they don't need anymore.

How long did you live in France, Elizabeth?

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I did not know that Southern homes didn't have basements. Well, I knew there were no basements in Florida. We didn't have them in California either. We do not have a garage so I am very thankful for the basement!

I'll be praying for your knee replacement. Our friend is having his done in August and will be recovering here.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I find that sometimes when I sort through stuff, I'm not ready to let it go, but the next time I am! It takes time!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Do you have a basement at your place, Vee? Dotsie said they don't have basements in the South, which I did not know!

I may attempt to do the other side tomorrow since I'm on a roll!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

You've been doing great with your projects, and I'm certain you'll get the other six areas done!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Thanks! Tim built them for me! I'm very thankful!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Do you not have basement space where you live? I'm finding many areas of the country don't! I'm grateful for ours.

Time management is a challenge. Sometimes I'm great at it and other times not so much.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I'm sure its hard to let the things that he loved, especially books, go to someone else. It may help to realize that they may be treasure to someone else, and what a blessing that would be!

Rhonda said...

Yes we have a basement. But our house is over 100 years old and the basement really isn't useable. At least not for storing "good" things! But it serves its purpose during storms - can't imagine not having a basement to go to. I do store things in the attic of Joe's shop but it's not always convenient. So, the enclosed front porch/office is my storage space and it's not very big. said...

We do have a basement for storage, so I keep my extra things in bins, because we don't have the shelves. But I am going through my stuff also and eliminating things. The last couple of years I have taught myself to buy items that are just color themed and not the Holiday can be used for Christmas, Valentines Day, 4th of July, etc.!
Your new header is pretty also, with the blues, especially all of those old books.

Heather said...

Your closet looks fantastic! I have been spending our time off from school organizing and decluttering. It has been wonderful! I just have a bit more to do inside the house. The garage will have to wait for cooler weather.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...