Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, November 27, 2017

Christmas Pillow From A Placemat

A few weeks ago I was checking out the newly stocked Christmas items in the Target Dollar Spot when I spied a few adorable placemats.  I quickly grabbed two of the one I loved because I knew I could make cute pillows out of them!

Cute graphic, kind of vintage, nice size.

I made one tonight and I'm happy with how it turned out.  I gathered my materials, the new place mat, an old plaid place mat I've had for years, and some batting to fill it with.

All I did was put the graphic side against the plaid place mat, sew it around three sides, stuff it, turn it right side out, and then sew up the last side.  This I had to do with a by hand (whip stitch) because I broke the needle on my sewing machine and of course I didn't have any spare ones.  But it only took a few minutes to stitch it up by hand.  I think you could do the whole thing by hand, if you didn't have a sewing machine.

It turned out so cute, didn't it?  I know some of you would have ironed it, but I seriously didn't even think about it.  Emma liked it and said, "You can make me one."  I smiled and said, "I did make you one, this one is for you!"  Happiness all around.

 Cute christmas pillow.

And here's the backside of the pillow!  It was so great how the place mats were just about the same size, I only had to trim a little off the plaid one.

I'm going to make another pillow just like this one for myself.  I love cute pillows but cannot bring myself to pay a lot of money for them.  I'm going to try to make a few different pillows this year.

Do you love seasonal pillows?  Do you buy or make them?  


Cheryl said...

It's adorable!! Great thinking!

Rebecca said...

How clever! And what a great idea for gifting, too!
Yes, I DO like seasonal pillows. I don't have many, but a friend and I made Christmas pillows many moons ago. They are now a part of the minimal Christmas decorating tradition that I have...

Theresa said...

SO cute:) I love it that you saw the place mat and saw a pillow! Have a blessed and creative day, HUGS!

Phoebes World said...

I have done exactly the same thing using placemats from Dollar tree... yours is so pretty tho. And yes ...I love seasonal pillows
Phoebe x

Mrs.T said...

What a fantastic idea! I love seasonal pillows (especially for Christmas and fall) but don't ever buy them because I just won't spend the money. But making one out of a place mat ... that I could and would do! I was thinking, too, that if one had plaid flannel on hand (which I do), that would also work for the backing. Thanks so much for sharing. Now I will be on the lookout for place mats at a reasonable price!

Jan said...

Great idea! I'm always going to make some, but so far, it hasn't happened!

Pam said...

So adorable. I love it. Great idea.

Pam said...

I LOVE this! What a great idea!

PS~ We enjoyed our slow roasted turkey for the 3rd year this year, and once again it was perfect! So thankful for your recipe.

Lorrie said...

So cute! I have a couple of Christmas pillows, and would love to make more. Using the placemat is a great idea!

podso said...

I have used tea towels or cloth napkins to make pillows. I like the idea of using placemats and your pillow is so cute.

Kim said...

What a fabulous find! I was actually out yesterday and was looking for a few placemats/ tea towels to do the same thing! Of course none of them were perfect and all of them were way too expensive. I did pick up a few inexpensive supplies to stencil a pillow cover and make a star pillow. That one may be a fail. Wish me luck and enjoy your new treasures!

Linda said...

I’ve never thought about using place mats for pillows! Now I will! Love how yours turned out!

GrammaGrits said...

I did this last year with a placemat I bought at Tuesday Morning. It had a cotton back on it which I unstitched a little so I could stuff it. Love it - it says 'Joy to the World'! said...

Very clever. After you posted the pic on Instagram, I went to Target to try and find one! Our closest one didn't have that exact one so now I'll have to try the other store, which is actually only 1 mile farther away!

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