Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Saturday Sunrise

                                                          photo credit - Jane Soyars

We are enjoying a wonderful visit with our friends Rick and Jane.  

Tomorrow after church we are having a Thanksgiving dinner.  I am slow roasting a turkey overnight, and will slice the meat up and put it in my crock pot to keep it hot during church.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Cheryl said...

Kind of like a Friends-Giving? Enjoy the food and fellowship of the weekend!!

Linda said...

‘‘Tis the season for hosting! Louis Dean is cooking a ham today in the roaster. It’s one that is not fully cooked when you buy it and they are hard to find! He’s also cooking red beans in the pressure cooker. I’ll make lots of cornbread when I get home. Going to see my older grands this afternoon play some ball games. I’m making a batch of brownies to take to them as they will leave tonight for Thanksgiving Week in the mountains of New Mexico!
Bet you wake up in the morning to the smell of deliciousness!

Vee said...

It has been interesting to see how many Thanksgiving dinners happen before
Thanksgiving. It’s a fabulous way to extend the celebration to the time when
friends and family are available. Some churches I know are serving a
Thanksgiving dinner for the fellowship after the service.

What a beautiful sunrise! Did it turn off rainy that day?

🍂🧡Have a wonderful Sunday filled with many blessings...

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