Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Thanksgiving Centerpiece

I gathered up my glass pumpkins, a few candle holders, and some natural elements and made the centerpiece for our Thanksgiving meal.

I'm happy with how it turned out, and it leaves plenty of room for the place settings.  We're going to have 13 people at our Thanksgiving meal, so we will use our benches on the sides of the table and put two people on each end and we'll all fit around the table comfortably.

I'm enjoying these days of preparing for this special day of giving thanks.


Cheryl said...

Your table looks beautiful!!

We are excited too! Bekah and I spent part of the day tweaking our Thanksgiving table. Thanksgiving Day is my favorite day of the year!

Sylvia said...

Beautiful! Have a great Thanksgiving, Deanna!

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Oh my....beautiful!!!!

Estelle's said...

How lovely have created a lovely Thanksgiving table...I simply love it! May your day be filled with love!

Theresa said...

Oh my goodness... beauty all around, come help me:) Have a sweet day dear friend, HUGS!

Mama to 12, so far said...

Very lovely!

Homemaker' said...

What a festive table! I love the candelabras and the "farmhouse" style table - really pretty. Happy Thanksgiving. : )

Kim said...

It looks beautiful, Deanna!

Amy said...

Just Beautiful! Happy Thanksgiving!

Home Keeping

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