Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

A Small Thing That Makes Me Happy

I picked up a few more Pioneer Woman dinner plates at Wal-Mart the other day, and I found a really cute tablecloth, on clearance, that fits our giant farmhouse table, that is in PW's line and matches the dishes.  (How's that for a sentence?)

The packaging on these things are so cute and have a matching fabric strip that goes around it and closes with velcro.  I didn't want to toss it, so I tried it on a jar I use for snacks and it fit perfectly.

I'm so glad I thought to try it on the jar!  

I can see it from our living room area and the kitchen.  Its a small thing that makes me happy.

One more thing, could I ask you to pray for Rachel?  She has the flu, and feels pretty yucky.  At her age and with her good health they don't even bother to test because they don't treat it in her situation.  We are trading off Tylenol and Ibuprophen, using Musinex and Nyquil.  She came down with it overnight Sunday into Monday and we went to the doctor yesterday morning.  Last night she was able to watch a movie with us.  She should be better  by Friday.  Also if you don't mind praying that the rest of us would remain flu free.  We don't seem to pass things around, especially if she picks stuff up at work.  Thanks!


Rebecca said...

Oh, I DO hope Rachel feels better by the end of the week and that the rest of you remain healthy. By the way, I enjoy simple things, too. February has been a month of simplifying. We're 812 items "lighter" than at the first of the month! Hard to believe!

Vee said...

Poor Rachel! They don’t treat young people? I did not know that. Yes, praying.

Linda said...

Indeed! Prayers for your Rachel and all of you.....
I love the little things! I would have done the same thing with that pretty piece! We bought something not long ago that had a black band with Velcro closing. I couldn’t toss it and I’m glad I didn’t. I was fretting over the black cords hanging down from the TV - and used that black band to bunch them up together! Then I plopped a basket of flowers in front of them. I am the Queen of Cover Up!!

Kim said...

Oh no, the flu? Prayers to you all... said...

Very clever for saving the fabric strip, I would have done the same thing! Seeing your candles in the big jar makes me want to do the same for mine. Thanks for sharing.

Debby Ray said...

I have seen this lovely Pioneer Woman stuff! I could really go crazy with all of the great items. These jars are just too cute!

Cheryl said...

(How can I be this far behind in commenting?! Crazy week, that's how!)

I love that you found a use for that pretty bit of fabric! Pioneer Woman's things are so pretty and cheerful . . . why waste that piece? And, of course, finding the tablecloth on clearance was great too! Yes, it's the little things!

Mama to 12, so far said...

That looks nice. I love the black bookcase too.
As far as the flu, zarbees cough syrup is natural (honey and grapefruit seed extract based with zinc) as on the package for any age and also elderberry syrup or elderberry melts (I used Sambucol brand with super good success.) These two things will help, they will also give the immune system a little head start to getting stronger than just "doing nothing". As will echinacea three times a day. But hopefully, no one else in your house gets it. Contagious for two weeks afterwards so remember that!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...