Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, February 26, 2018

The Best Part Of Having Chickens

well, besides how cute they are and how funny they are, is the EGGS!

Breakfast sandwiches this morning!

Did you have a good weekend?  We did!  We went to see Mary Poppins at a local high school.  It was terrific!  What a talented bunch of young adults!  All the way home Kamryn kept singing, "Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down!"  So cute!

A group of us from church went to lunch yesterday, and the young adults came to our house to have their Bible study, play games and watch a movie.  Its an all day thing around here on Sundays!

This morning I was helping Tim get tax stuff gathered to go to our accountant.  I am always grateful when I see once again the tangible evidence of God's provision for us.  Tim has lots of work and while winter is traditionally slow, it has been so busy already this year.  So grateful!


Sylvia said...

We eat a LOT of eggs, it might pay me to get some chickens, but living in the neighbors may not like it

Linda said...

Farm fresh eggs are so much prettier and tastier than store bought commercial ones! The yolks are a whole different shade of yellow! I’m missing the country! It’s so wet down there that Sherry called me on Friday and said we used to have a trailer and a we have a house boat and a dock! We can’t be down there when it’s that wet because I want to be able to drive out and get to a hospital if need be. Louis Dean needs to be well before we go!

Cheryl said...

Sounds like a great weekend for all of you!!

I know that it is so encouraging to SEE God's provision there in the numbers! He is such a good Father!!

Vee said...

Have been losing comments here left and right even when I copy and paste.

It was wonderful to know that your friend is healing and doing well. I hope that the pain of the wonky knee has gone, too.

Yes, eggs! Good, fresh, delicious eggs. I get quite spoiled by having them, but I also have cracked two bad eggs in one dozen so that was a little scary. Had never had a bad egg before or since.

So glad that you all enjoyed the play. What talent everywhere...

Yay for plenty of work!

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

Eggs, eggs, and more eggs....a blessing and the breakfast sandwich 'stuff' looks so good! Sundays are busy days but great days here too. I love my church family, and we really are a family....God is in our midst. God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good, and provides.

podso said...

Would love to have fresh eggs every morning. They do taste better. Love how different Sundays are from the rest of the week. Rest and relaxation.

podso said...

I should add, after worship!

Kim said...

My kids were theater kids and my mom was actually on Broadway in her younger years. I miss seeing the shows, hearing the music. Your weekend sounds lovely and your eggs are beautiful. Have you ever blown any of them out and kept them for display? They are just so dainty and elegant.

Lorrie said...

Fresh eggs are such a treat. Our daughter has chickens and they are laying well now. Too bad she lives too far to share. Sundays are days of rest, and relaxation, and have a different rhythm than the other days of the week.

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