Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, February 23, 2018

This and That

 It's a rainy day here in Pennsylvania, so the photos are not that great.  I changed out my dishes this week, putting the Friendly Village away until the autumn.  I brought out my Pioneer Woman cottagey dishes because I am ready for spring!  They are so cheery, aren't they?

The chicks have left our property and gone to Lindsay's inlaws home.  It was easier for her sister in law to care for them there than to have someone drive her over here daily to make sure they had their needs met.  They didn't want us to have to do it.  I'll miss getting to see them!


The Tahoe should be done today, and Rachel's car will be repaired tomorrow, so by Sunday it'll be like the vehicle craziness never happened!  God is good like that, you know.  I'm thankful for our family, and friend Denny for being flexible and helping us out. 


In Denny news, he is off all his prescribed pain meds and back to driving himself around.  I know he's relieved about that.  We all know how hard it is to not be able to go where you want, on your own timetable, when you are used to it.  He went over to visit a friend last night.  He's making great strides and the surgeon and PT are very pleased.  


I've really enjoyed the conversation in the comments on my Intentional Grandparenting post.  The ideas shared there are so good and I, personally, have been helped by it!  If you missed that post you can find it here.


Rachel encouraged me to get an app called Marco Polo.  It allows you to make video chats with friends.  So my mom and sister in law and I have been using it this week.  You can record a video and send it and they can watch it whenever and send one back.  Check out your app store for it.  It's easy and fun.


 A local high school is putting on Mary Poppins for their spring musical, and I'm wanting to take Kamryn.  The issue is timing.  It started last night and there will be a show tonight, and two tomorrow and that's it.  There is a Mom's meeting tonight for co-op, which is optional, but I usually like to go, so that leaves tomorrow.  I should have my car available by then, so I hope that there are tickets available.  I'll check this morning.


What are you up to this weekend?


Linda said...

Marco Polo is a lot of fun! Summer and I use it a lot and I get to see Rayne this way also! You can even fast forward to make them talk faster! And there are different ‘voices’ you can use.
I like this app as you can record when you want in after I fix my face and hair and get dressed! FaceTime catches you off Guard! Amber and the quads FaceTime me a lot and they don’t really care that I look awful. When someone is sick, sometimes they just want to see MeeMaw and talk to her. I’m grateful for both FaceTime and Marco Polo! I may send you one ! And I would love a Marco Polo of you!

podso said...

Interesting our grandkids school also did Mary Poppins! Sounds like your house patient is doing really well. I mowed the lawn today--and for the first time in years, it was pain free with my new knees! Hope you have a good weekend. It's almost 80 here today.

Theresa said...

Love the dishes:) Nice that you have such pretty ones to use and display! I certainly don't like to be without a vehicle, happy you all are getting things back to normal. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Cheryl said...

I love making house-y changes for spring. Your PW dishes are certainly springy and cheerful! I am chomping at the bit to put my winter things away and lighten things up a little, but that will have to wait until this coming week.

Oooo . . . Mary Poppins sounds like fun! I'll bet Kamryn (and all of you!) had a ball!

Glad to hear that Denny is recovering so well. Also glad to hear that your vehicles will all be in working order over the weekend. (It is challenging to be down one vehicle, let alone two!)

Kim said...

That Marco Polo app sounds neat. Might have to give it a try!

Home Keeping

  I think I like this phrase better than 'housekeeper.' Home keeping feels more personal, and not maid or housecleaner feeling. I lo...