Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Feeding The Chickens On A Winter Morning

Last night I took some leftover broth that had some carrot bits in it and tossed in some oats and let it sit overnight.  This morning I took it out to the hens who were mostly across the creek headed to the barn.

When I called out "chick, chick, chick" they came running.

A few girls stayed over at the barn, but those who came enjoyed it.  The brown partridge cochin on the left was not letting a few of the hens get close to eat, they have to wait.  She's large and in charge.

They are laying again, now that the daylight lasts longer.  We are enjoying having fresh eggs again.  Between the delicious eggs and the entertainment they provide, chickens are a fun animal to keep.


Sylvia said...

In the video it sounds like they are really enjoying it!

Cheryl said...

Your "girls" are pretty! :)

Elizabethd said...

What healthy looking hens you have! There is nothing quite like fresh egg straight from the nest.

Sandi said...

They look so healthy and fluffy!

Jan said...

We enjoy our girls too. We lost our rooster and one hen to hawks-guess that's just part of life in the country!

Linda said...

This makes me miss the ranch. The hens there never stopped laying. They feed the chickens every morning even though they are free range through the day. I save all our food scraps for the goats, peacocks and horses. January is a hungry month for the critters. Hoepfully February will be better. I still feel guilty about all the scraps that go in the trash now that we are back home. I feel like I should be saving them in a bag in the fridge to take down to the ranch.....

Kim said...

I love chickens!!

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