Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Around The House

I have two people (Tim and Sarah) who have really bad colds.  We've been amazingly healthy in this winter where all around us people have a really nasty stomach virus and the flu.

Tim has a slower week, which is nice with his cold, and so after his inspection yesterday, he got to come home and snuggle with our granddaughter Klaire.  The timing was perfect because she needed a nap.  They both did. (smile)

Things are going well here at the cottage.  Life moves at a fast pace much of the time, but we always land back here together.  

Our sweet house is 32 years old and has seen some life.  There was a family of six who lived here before we did and we raised six kids here and have had tons of people through our doors, both on Sundays and staying over with us.  Its such an awesome house, but it could use some attention.  I'm hoping to get to some of the updating done this year.

In the meantime I try to create beauty for us to enjoy.   We really like this drink station area in the kitchen.  It gets used all day long in the winter.

This shelf is over the stairs to the basement, and just to the left of the drink station.  I love the way it looks.

You can see the shelf in the background of this photo.  I love the beauty of everyday things.  The flatware is in jars on the top of a plate rack that sits on our counter.  Setting the table for dinner is a breeze and we get to enjoy the pretty dishes and flatware.  It also frees us space in the drawers and cupboards.

 These pretty pitchers are on a shelf on the black cabinet by the kitchen door.  I popped in a red metal candle holder, from the dollar spot at Target, for a bit of color.

My dad, Lindsay and Joseph are back this morning from Hawaii.  Tim drove on icy roads to get them from Philly.  They must be in shock with the weather change!  Poor things.

I like this quote from C.S. Lewis - 

"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending."

I hope you have a good day.


Sylvia said...

Love the quote, and the sweet baby laying on his chest!

Linda said...

That is a great quote! Sorry about the colds. So far Louis Dean and I had a brief bout with bad allergies but no real cold or flu. Hope our good health continues.
Loved seeing all the cozy touches in your home! I’m slowly reclaiming mine and am about halfway there. Then I have a few projects in mind to update the house. The first is to paint the window wall in the den. I am leaning towards stucco first and then paint. I did this in my utility room and love it! It’s kind of fun to have a house project going on if it’s not a huge one! Hope your Tim and Sarah feel better soon.....

Sandi said...

Love the CS Lewis quote!

Rebecca said...

Great quote.
And "yes" to all the beauty and busyness of ordinary living.
Hope colds and virus are soon in your family's history for this season.
(I think I'm FINALLY over mine...)

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I have my collection of teaspoons (started when I realized how many of mine had been lost by those who will remain unnamed!) that sits next to the coffee pot in a pretty crystal pitcher. I first saw something like it in the original Victoria and loved the way it looks.

I just finished a round of antibiotics and I'm still using the heavy duty cough syrup, mostly at night when I need it most since it doesn't have a refill. We have decided what is really needed most are warm days and sunshine. ;)

Theresa said...

I love that C.S.Lewis quote too, SO TRUE! Having a station with everything within reach is very helpful in a busy life! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Debby Ray said...

Hope all of the sick ones are recovering. Love the flatware in the Mason jars...going to "borrow" that idea when we get in the farmhouse. Wonderful C. S. Lewis quote!

Cheryl said...

I love your drink station, as well as your shelf over the stairs! I think that it is always important to create spots of beauty and cheer, but particularly in the wintertime. Creekside Cottage is always a welcoming place!

Eek! The Hawaiian vacationers will certainly need some time to adjust to these non-tropical temperatures!

Kim said...

Hope everyone feels better and I love those white pretty!

podso said...

Grandpa and Granddaughter sleeping--such a peaceful photo. I like all your little vignettes. Hope the colds are on the mend by now.

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