Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, February 12, 2018

Skin Care

I've had good skin my whole life, even in high school.  Rarely a blemish.

As I've gotten older I've mostly continued to do the same things I've always done, which is basically cleanse my skin every night before I go to bed.  I also mosturize most of the time, but not always.

My skin is naturally getting wrinkles, and I still have all my freckles, and I'm not worried about those (wrinkles or freckles).  I do feel as if I need to exfoliate regularly and this is what I really want to talk about today.

I've begun using a konjac sponge, made to exfoliate the face, a few times a week.  I should probably use it every day.  Its gentle.  Here is a link to information about konjac sponges.  Mine is plain without red clay or charcoal.  I mosturize afterward.  

For cleansing and moisturizing I use Lacura brand.  I buy it at Aldi.

Related image

What do you do for skin care?  Are there products you love and recommend?


Theresa said...

Oh girl, I am 63 so I work hard on my wrinkles:) I use Younique products, my sister sells this stuff and it is awesome! I cleanse and moisturize at night, then layer lots of stuff the next morning! It takes more work that it use to! I wish that I had used sunscreen my whole life! Have a blessed day, I think you are beautiful! HUGS!

Sylvia said...

You do have beautiful skin Deanna, I am going to see if I can find this.

Rebecca said...

You DO have beautiful skin, Deanna.
(I can't say as much about mine.)
How nice to find products that work for you.

Kim said...

You have very beautiful skin! Whatever you're doing works. I just use a basic Neutrogena face wash and a Clinique moisturizer. I have such sensitive skin, I try to keep it all simple. Seems to work best!

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