Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, May 13, 2019

A Great Quote

"What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven in to the lives of others."

This is such a stirring quote for me.  It reminds me that regardless of our place in society, or our abilities, or work, we can have influence on the lives of other people.

I can often come to feel that my work at home, or my interactions with people as I go out and about, have no real value or eternal consequence.  

I need to remember to not believe the lies of the enemy of my soul, and to look to the one who gives life to my soul.  He's the one who will guide and direct me daily, give me encouraging words to say, help me point to Him.

I hope you all had a lovely day celebrating Mothers yesterday.  I know that it can be a hard day for those who've lost mothers, or long for children but aren't able to have them.  You are seen and loved.  I hope you have a woman in your life who is like a mother to you, and that you have people in your life to mother.

Our nephew and niece in California, had their toddler dedicated yesterday at church.  They've been caring for him since he was a few months old, and the adoption will be final soon.  His story is God orchestrated, and I'm going to tell it here one day.

Also I'd encourage you to support and build into the lives of your friends children, too.  Yes, they have mothers, but we all need support and our friends need to see us love their kids, too.  One day we'll be gone, and our kids will need those women.  The ones who loved their own mother as a friend and who loved and encouraged them for many years.  I have several friends who love me, and they love my children well.  Encouraging, supporting, building them up, praying for them.  I'd encourage you to do the same.

We didn't take any photos yesterday, it was raining all day, and the lighting wasn't good, but I'll share a photo of a sweet arrangement of flowers that Nate and Kay brought me.

Have a great day, friends!


Mrs.T said...

I love this quote, Deanna! Simply love it. This weekend I was blessed by Mother's Day recognition from several young adults who I have come to think of as "children of the heart" -- people whose lives we have sought to invest in. Such a huge and unexpected dividend of ministry.

I'm glad your day was lovely too even though the weather wasn't ideal.

Vee said...

Wonderful quote indeed! Puts things in perspective...I don’t think we’ll know until Glory how much our lives have touched others, but I can assure you that you have touched mine!

Beautiful photography! Have you been taking classes?

Although I know that many have heartache around Mother’s Day, I hope that all can find a reason to honor women who have loved them and supported them. And, hopefully, the vast majority of families are actually using the day to express great love and honor, not laments. Yes, I am sad that I can’t visit with my mother now, but I rejoice that I will see her again and that I had such a good and loving mom.

Miss Dishywoo said...

I had never heard this quote, but I love it. It is just so true that we can be influenced by, and we ourselves can encourage/inspire, others when we would least expect it. Of course, we may attend a conference with a famous speaker, we may read a book by a well-known teacher, etc., but when we look at who affects us most deeply, it is usually someone nearby. I personally had a neighbor's mom, an aunt, and a babysitter who I gave no real thought to as a child but now I see how they influenced my life without my even knowing it. I love how God uses us to help each other!

Theresa said...

We all need encouragement! I am thankful for those in my life who offer their wisdom and encourage me along life’s journey. Have a blessed Monday and week ahead. Hugs

Buttercup said...

Beautiful quote. No matter where we are in life we can reach out to those who need a hand and know that acts of kindness can be our remembrance. Have a great week!

Cheryl said...

That quote is inspiring! Indeed, that is what we all need to do, isn't it . . . invest in the lives of those around us? (I think you are quite good at doing that!)

Our Mother's Day was rainy too and, although I took some pictures, I forgot several that I was going to take. We had lots of things on our agenda yesterday (including the cutest skit about the upcoming wedding) and I lost track.

tammy said...

This is just on time <3!! ~tammy

Tea and Friendship

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