Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, May 23, 2019


The dark pink have an old fashioned rose scent, and the light pink have a soft scent.  I adore both.  

I think I may look for a white peony to add to my garden.  Oh, if only peonies lasted through summer!


Cheryl said...

So pretty!! I remember you bringing us some peonies last May when you visited! Mine had been flattened by rain. This year I was able to pick some to enjoy in the house.

Kim said...

They are just so beautiful. I love peonies. We used to have a pink bush in our old yard. I miss having one here. I may need to rethink that!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Those are beautiful! I had two bushes, one died because it didn't get enough sunlight (a problem here in the forest) and one that is in an area that gets partial shade has a few blooms on it. There are some rural roads in the state that you drive down this time of year and see farmhouses with a whole row of peony bushes planted near the road. I wonder if it was something rural housewives did at one time?

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

You are making me happy here! My goodness, they are gorgeous. The colours and the blowsy petals just like an old English cabbage rose. Your photos are exquisitely taken. I recently came across this lovely quote about peonies from Vita Sackville-West. Thought you might enjoy it:

“It always seemed to me that the herbaceous peony is the very epitome of June. Larger than any rose, it has something of the cabbage rose’s voluminous quality; and when it finally drops from the vase, it sheds its petticoats with a bump on the table, all in an intact heap, much as a rose will suddenly fall, making us look up from our book or conversation, to notice for one moment the death of what had still appeared to be a living beauty.”

Wishing you a beautiful day,
Brenda xox

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...