Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Here Comes The Rain, Again

Remember this pretty, sunshiny photo from yesterday?

This is how it looks today.

It's supposed to clear up this morning and be partly sunny this afternoon.  We'll see.  We've had rainy drizzle on days when they were not calling for rain at all.

Lindsay, one of her sister in laws, and another friend, have been camping back in our woods since Tuesday.  They've had a lot of rainy weather and cold, but yesterday afternoon was beautiful, and it was in the 50's overnight.  They have built their own shelter, and beds, are cooking over a fire.  I'm not sure they'll count this camp out as a favorite memory.

We had an above average rainfall year in 2018, and while I'm not sure we are having that this year, it feels like a continuation of last year.  Time will tell.

I'm hosting my Mom and seven of her friends for a tea luncheon tomorrow.  These gals get together once a month for lunch, and I invited them to my house for this month.

On the menu

Lightly Curried Chicken Salad, on a bed of mixed greens and a melon slice.

Scones - Basic cream scone, and a flavored one to be determined still.  Lemon Curd, Jam, and Cream, of course.  

Tea cakes, a Lemon Yogurt cake (low carb), and shortbread cookies.

I'll brew up a variety of teas, and have a chilled variety available, as well.

I'll try to get photos.  You know how that can go when you're hosting an event.


Sherry said...

It's beautiful in your little corner of the world.. I love the rain and thrilled we're experiencing it as well! Rained most of yesterday through the night. And snails galore!!! ... If I leave now I'll get there in four days time in hopes a few scone crumbs will remain ...

Vee said...

Crazy weather still...

Oh you must be in your element planning this tea time for your mom and her friends. Have fun with it. The menu sounds wonderful and I know those ladies will be blessed.

Theresa said...

Beautiful view, even with the rain:) We haven't had any rain lately and could use some. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Estelle's said...

Your property is just so beautiful Deanna...and the tea sounds incredible! Hope you can share some photos! Have a great week!

Tea and Friendship

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