Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, May 10, 2019

Friday Five

Happy Friday, Friends!  

It's gloomy skies here, a bit windy, and I think we're going to get some rain today.

Kyle will be finishing up his standardized testing today, going with me to get groceries (he wants to pick out a few snacks!) and then we'll pick up Sarah from work.

1.  Our hens are laying prolifically, in the nesting boxes and one or two like to lay in the barn.  This is several days worth of eggs.

2. Speaking of hens - they love treats and they come running when I call them.  They also come running anytime they see me hoping I'll have a treat for them.  

3. We cut my bridal veil spirea back a lot last year.  It has some flowers on it this year but nothing like in years past.  Next year it should flower well again.  I love its dainty flowers.

4. Coffee Pods Abound - we keep a lot of pods around for when we have guests.  Organic Peruvian, decaf, Hazelnut, even hot cocoa.

5. Peonies - I'm trying something new with a few peonies.  This is how growers cut them for florist and bridal flower designers.  We buy them tight with a bit of color showing, them clean them and put them in warm water.  I'm hoping that my flowers last a bit longer than usual.

Normally, I cut them after they've bloomed.  So we'll see how it goes, and I'll be sure to show you.

Have a lovely weekend, everyone!


Sherry said...

G'morning. We have two enormously large double bridal veil plants in our garden. Each spring they display such beauty but never long enough for me. :)

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I have fond memories of my mom keeping chickens when I was a little girl. Not so fond memories of the rooster, however! ;)

Vee said...

Warm water you say! Interesting. Kyle sounds like a normal All-American kid wanting to shop for snacks. Sounds like fun to me!

Kim said...

Chickens make me smile. I think it would be so fun to keep them...

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...