Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, June 14, 2019

Friday Five

It's been a happy week, in a busy month, so lets get right to the five!

1. Kaidence Elyse was born!  She's so sweet!

2. New Earrings!  I have a lot of earrings, but don't wear most of them!  I'm moving those on and bought some new, fun earrings to wear!  This pair is lightweight and the colors on them go with almost everything I wear!

3. Can you be in love with a rose?

4. Feverfew is an old medicinal plant that I've seen planted in Colonial Gardens.  Used for fever and other ailments brewed up into a tea.  We've done it and it tastes terrible, but we did this for a family member who was having an issue and it worked!  The sweet little daisy like flowers and ferny leaves are so pretty in the garden or in a vase!  I even used them in a bridal bouquet last September!

5. Lavender

Lindsay gifted a small lavender in a big pot last year.  It is happy in its spot outside of my kitchen door.  I pass by this beauty a few times a day, and the scent and look of it make me so happy!

I hope you all have a wonderful Father's Day celebrating the Dad's in your lives.


Sherry said...

The flowers are so beautiful..
Loving those earrings..
But that sweet baby tops it all. :)

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I love your Friday Five collection today . That baby is too cute for words -- very kissable cheeks. And those earrings are perfect -- they would go with everything. And that's a beautiful face above the earrings. Feverfew, lavender, and roses -- I'd love to visit your garden.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend, Deanna.
Brenda xox

Elizabethd said...

Feverfew is supposed to help with migraines. I know several people who are using it and say it is very good. You can eat it as a sandwich!

Jan said...

Your first photo is so sweet! We have a grandbaby coming at the end of the year and I'm really looking forward to those new baby snuggles!

Kim said...

A fabulous week for you! Congratulations! And I love those earrings. They look great on you.

Buttercup said...

Kaidence is a sweetheart! Big congratulations to all of your family.
Love your new earrings. I usually wear the same pair, but I decided to mix it up with a new pair of glass earrings I bought in Scotland.

Tea and Friendship

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