Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 10, 2019

Weekend of Celebrations! (Sarah graduates and Kamryn turns 9!)

It was party central here at the cottage this weekend!

First up Kamryn's 9th birthday party was held here.  We have room for the kids to play outside and run around.  Nate and Kayleigh had waterballoons, and a slip and slide for the kids, and also a pinata.

Lindsay made the cutest party favors ever!  Fun Noodle ponies!

Sunday morning we had church outside!  This was on the church property.  It was perfect weather.  I really liked it!

We had a picnic lunch after the service, and then came home to prepare to celebrate Sarah's graduation from high school!

She wanted a casual party with swing dancing.  First though, Tim said a few words and presented her with her diploma!

Then it was time for dancing!  Sarah taught Kyle some basic steps and he danced with her at her party!  Oh my heart!  She was happy and so was I!

Some had never danced before but they picked it up quickly!

We kept it casual and simple as per Sarah's request so we did a few party pizzas and cake.  

We enjoyed visiting with friends and watching the young people dance.  After it got dark, they moved inside, and we sat out with the garden lights shining, continuing to talk with our friends.  It was a lovely end to a busy weekend!

Sarah and I both went to bed exhausted but happy!

Next up, Rachel returns to her school for summer camp ministry.  We'll see her again in July for a few weeks, then back to camp for two weeks. Then she graduates!  We are excited for her and excited to have her back home for a while!

Oh, and our daughter in law is due this week with baby #3!  Can't wait, and Kayleigh is more than ready!  Come on Baby!


Kim said...

What a festive weekend! Congratulations and Happy Birthday!!

Vee said...

Yes, Kayleigh looks ready for the new baby to arrive. Exciting times. It was fun to see all the goings on at your place from a special birthday party to a graduation to outside church to dancing. Loved the video of Sarah and Kyle dancing. He is so focused!

jo said...

I’ve been following your blog for a number of years, I either found you via the Mussers or vice versa. I’m in the UK. Just had to comment and say how much I enjoyed watching the young people dancing, made me happy on a gray day. Happy Birthday and Congratulations, it doesn’t look long until baby number three arrives, I have five children and enjoyed my pregnancies apart from the very end when I was just longing to let someone else carry them for a bit. I love your blog full of the celebration of normal family life.

Tea and Friendship

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