Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 17, 2019


Did you have a good weekend?  We did, even though it was busy for me.

Saturday Kayleigh and I went to our state homeschool convention.  Its been held locally the last few years which has been nice for us.  Tim drives us into the convention center in the city and picks us up.  No parking issues!  It was especially nice this year with having Kaidence along!

We sat in an informative session on Smart Kids Who Hate Writing.

Lots of free ice water!  It was great to be able to refill our water bottles.

Kaidence was a trooper, sleeping most of the time.  I caught her with her eyes open though.

On Sunday, I made pulled pork for sandwiches, coleslaw, and baked beans.  Mom brought Mac 'n Cheese, Lindsay brought good sandwich rolls, Nate and Kay brought drinks.  Easy Peasy way to satisfy the men in our lives who are fathers.  We enjoyed celebrating them.

Kyle is an excellent uncle, and loves his nieces and nephew.  He's comfortable with babies, and I'm glad.  He'll make a fine dad one day.

Tim is a great dad.  He grew into his fatherhood, and has excellent relationships with all his kids.  His grands think he's pretty special too, especially Klaire.  He's her favorite!

My dad is now 80 years old, and I'm thankful that I still have him.  

This week will be a slower week, and then next week our friends come for a week!  Really happy about that!


Buttercup said...

Enjoyed all of your pictures, especially Kyle and sweet Kaidence. I've got a quieter week, too, but lots of reading and blogging to do. :)

podso said...

Your grands are growing so quickly. Time just seems to fly. Looks like a very pleasant afternoon celebrating fathers (and future father!)

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...