Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Garden: After The Rain

We seem to be out of the constant rain cycle we were in for the last year, and so last nights rain was welcome.  We may get back into that pattern, as this is what happened last year, so we'll see.

I thought I'd show you my cottage garden this morning.

Annabelle Hydrangea


Daylily (I don't know the name)

Hydrangea Macrophylla

Echinacea (coneflower)

Larkspur and Oriental Poppy

Hollyhock Nigra

More Echinacea

Peach Roses

Annabelle Hydrangea (this is the same bush as the first photo)

More Hollyhock Nigra.  This get very tall! I've had them grow over seven feet before!

Gooseneck Loosestrife.  This can be very invasive, so you have to be ruthless with it.  This year I've allowed it to fill in some empty spaces, but at the end of the year, much of it will be pulled out.

Close up of Hollyhock Nigra.  I've scattered some other colors of Hollyhock, so we'll see if they come up.  I've learned in the last few years that Hollyhocks are biennial and this has been very true with Nigra.

We still don't have mulch, but I'm hoping to this weekend.  I have some weeds to pull and some to spray with my Bonide Burn-Out.

The climbing roses have developed black spot and have lots a lot of leaves.  I need to dead head my David Austin, and give all the roses a feeding.  My goldmound spirea is blooming nicely, too.  

We are hosting a family reunion with my brother's family in July.  We'll be gathering to celebrate my parents 60th wedding anniversary, so I want the garden to look its best, and really that's the way I like it to look anyway!

How does your garden grow?


Vee said...

Not as beautifully as yours... Mine is in severe neglect this summer I’m afraid. It is what it is. Maybe The Lord will send an angel (not a deer) to do some weeding for me. 😁 Fun family times coming!

Elizabethd said...

How lovely to see all your plants doing so well. I love Hollyhocks, they are a perfect cottage garden plant.

Sherry said...

beauty!!!!!!!!!!!!! your garden is lovely. ♥♥♥
trader joe's is selling bunches of feverfew and i may purchase a bouquet my next market run. ♥ our hydrangeas (no idea their names other than hydrangea) are flourishing this year - much more than any of the past 5 years. loving the hot pink, pure white (lacecap i think), and blush tones. the agapanthas (lily of the nile) are doing well too .. hollyhocks don't grow well in this soul which brings a frown to my face. our roses and snapdragons and lambs ear bring the edges of my lips upward though. wink.

Linda said...

It all looks lovely! Every bit of it!!

Theresa said...

Beauty all around you! I SO love flowers! Enjoy your day dear friend, pick a bouquet:) HUGS!

Estelle's said...

This is just so pretty have the magic touch...gorgeous summer garden!!!

Kim said...

Beautiful. We've had so much rain here lately, it's downright depressing. My flowers are suffering, too. They need the sun...but yours are lovely!

Cheryl said...

I love seeing all the pretties growing in your garden!! I am fascinated by the hollyhock Nigra . . . such a dramatic beauty!!

So nice that you're all going to get together to celebrate your mom and dad's anniversary. Sixty years is something to celebrate!!

e l i z a b e t h ♡ said...

My goodness! Your hydrangeas are magnificent! And those peach colored roses are gorgeous...I've never seen that color before :)

Thank you for sharing this garden goodness with us...summer beauty in all its glory ♥

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