Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, June 21, 2019

Friday Five

Its been grey and overcast most of the week, though we've had a bit of sunshine here and there.  

My five this week are growing things, mostly flowers.

1. Glorious Annabelles - 

 These are on the dining table.  The first photo yesterday afternoon, the second this morning with a drizzle outside.  I had to use a lot of editing on this one!

2. More Annabelles
These are at the end of the dark hallway.  Over head light on and the little lamp to the right of the Annabelles.  And editing.  But they make me so happy in their elegant simplicity next to this mirror!

3. Pretty Nasturtiums

These are planted with the tomatoes in pots on the deck.  Did you know that Nasturtiums are edible?  The flowers and the leaves both can be eaten.  They taste peppery.  Of course, don't eat them unless you know they've never been sprayed with anything.  We used to grow our own from seed, companion planted with our tomatoes, when we had a large garden.  We would always add some flowers to our salads.  

4.  Grape Tomatoes

They're growing well!

5.  Flowers from the urn on the deck table - 

Its supposed to be sunny tomorrow and I'm hoping that's true.  I have some plans for some outdoor work, I'd like to get done!

Have a happy weekend, friends!


Cheryl said...

Pretty, pretty!! We have had some rain, but mostly at night. That's kind of a win-win! Hope you're able to get your outdoor work done tomorrow! Happy weekend to you!!

Theresa said...

Beautiful blooms and tiny tomatoes:) We are beginning to get some ripe tomatoes, YUM! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Pretty blossoms -- love the audacious Annabelle, and the nasturtiums are a burst of brilliance. A tomato feast is predicted in the not too distant future. It's been rainy around here, too, the last few days and no sign of sunshine just yet either. Hope the sun comes out for you. Happy weekend, Deanna!

Kim said...

Pretty! And look at those tiny tomatoes!

Elizabethd said...

We love Annabelle. Here it is often known as a 'Popcorn' hydrangea!

Mrs.T said...

Just lovely, Deanna! I wish my thumb was as green as yours!

Sherry said...

so pretty! i love white hydrangeas especially.. your geranium is the same tone as ours on the back patio. :)

Susan Zarzycki said...

Very pretty! I'm way behind with my weeding due to back issues but hope to do a little each day so that I can take pictures before they're past blooming.

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