Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Cottage Garden In Late May

The cottage garden in late May is starting to burst into flower, finally.  The flowers are late this year.  We had a mild winter and the garden looked like it would bloom early, but we had a cold late spring, and everything slowed down.

My nigra hollyhock is big again this year and it going to flower beautifully.  There are many flower heads on it. This hollyhock grows to well over 6 feet, and the deep color is beautiful.

My poppies self seed every year, and this year there are not as many flowers coming up.  (the chickens have a lot to do with that.)  This big one is right next to my Munstead Woods rose by David Austen. 

We had to pull out my big, old, hydrangea.  It was pretty much dead and took up too much room in the garden.  I replaced it with an ever blooming variety, that will be a blue-purple color.  I'm glad to have this new hydrangea that will continue to bloom all summer, and I also have room for my new peony.

A sign to me of late blooming - my bleeding heart are still in full bloom. Normally they'd be done by now.  I'm not complaining!

The feverfew is about to bloom.  I love this medicinal plant in my garden!

The peony!  Glorious!

My petit white iris are in bloom right now, too!  So pretty!

The roses are full of buds, and my annabelle hydrangea is growing.  We should see blooms from them in the coming weeks!

What's blooming in your gardens?

3 comments: said...

Yes, my garden is about one week late compared to last year. The peony is ready to Pop open! Pretty garden!

Vee said...

Not a whole lot besides violets. 😏 Your garden is happily coming into late spring and summer. This spring was a dud in more ways than one. I did like that mild winter, though, so perhaps it was a fair trade. Now it remains to be seen what summer's weather will be. It certainly has been glorious weather for over a week now.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

It's looking lovely already! It must have been a great joy to amble through and catch photos of these sweet corners of your garden. Our perennials are up, but no blossoms of anything yet in our yard. I'm slowly planting our annual bedding plants which I got the other day. But it was so close to frost last night, I was a little nervous about my tender little plants. We gave them a blanket and they survived overnight. This morning it's sunny and warming up. We saw and heard sweet songs of the American Goldfinch in our backyard this morning. I'm in heaven.

Wishing you a beautiful day, Deanna.
Brenda xox

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