Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, May 1, 2020

Welcome May

March and April were so long!  I guess its because of the complete change to the way we all live.  I'm welcoming May, as its a busy and happy month for our family.

We have my dad's birthday on the 5th, Mother's Day on the 10th, my mom's birthday on the 15th, Rachel and Wes' wedding on the 16th.  May 24th is Nate's birthday, and May 31st is Rachel's birthday!

Some of our celebrating will be at a distance this year, but some will be in person.  I'm thankful.

This is the month that the garden starts looking its best, too.


The bleeding hearts are blooming

The roses are getting their buds!

Our apple trees are flowering, also.  I'm glad that a few nights where the temps got very low didn't kill the flowers.  Hoping for some lovely apples this year.

We've had a good amount of rain this spring and the grasses, and pastures look amazing.  The maple trees are ready to set their seeds in flight, and soon all the trees will be full of leaves.

We start the process of opening up our state today. Its going to be slow going, I think.  

I hope you are all well, and have a delightful weekend, although with being at home all the time now, I feel like the Dowager Countess of Grantham in saying, "What is a weekend?"

Doodlecraft: Downton Abbey is Back this Weekend!


Estelle's said...

Honestly Deanna...your property is beyond beautiful...I adore it! Lots to celebrate this month in your family and how wonderful that is! You have inspired me to plant Lilacs...for the first time ever! Thank you!

Lorrie said...

Gardens are so beautiful in May! There is much to anticipate. Yes, indeed, "what is a weekend?" Enjoy the celebrations with alterations that we all must do these days.

Vee said...

Every day feels like a Saturday to me. I am glad that your weather is straightening out because the garden is looking nice. Some fine day, it will happen here...perhaps June. 👩🏻‍🌾

Theresa said...

Our state is opening too but I am of the age that is still "shelter in place"! Your blooms are SO pretty! You really do have a busy month ahead! Have a blessed Sunday dear friend, HUGS!

Buttercup said...

I still look forward to the weekend. I go to Zoom services on Friday night and most Saturdays and that sets off a Sabbath feeling. I get the newspaper delivered only on Sundays and look forward to doing the Sunday crossword. It gives me something to look forward to and that's so good these days. Take good care.

Tea and Friendship

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