Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, December 30, 2022

Information Friday

Yesterday was a beautiful day. High of 52 degrees, sunshining. I sat out and sunned myself for about 20 minutes. 

Vee sent me a comment yesterday from The Conservative Treehouse and I thought it was worth sharing here.

As we go into 2023, most of us are feeling these very things. I've thought recently, "Why is it that they feel they can force free people to accept all of these things?" My conclusion is that we are not free. We are slaves. We've had the illusion of being free. Many can't yet see it. People use the term 'red pill' from the movie The Matrix. People are afraid of the red pill. Afraid that they'll find out that they've been lied to for most of their lives. They'd rather stay in the illusion of America, than to face where they have brought us.

Here is the comment and then I'll have a few more things to say.

Silently Observing December 29, 2022 3:14 am I’m trying to decide whether or not I’ll feel sad to see this thing crumble to the ground and die. American society has degraded so rapidly over the course of 22 years, with the major acceleration 2008-2016 and 2020-2023.
Now Americans are demanded by force to accept:
1. Accept outright corruption in electoral campaigns ranging from US Presidency to local authorities.
2. Accept politically motivated medical advice and procedures that are proven harmful and/or fatal.
3. Accept endless wars regardless of lack of military recruitment goals.
4. Accept no borders and no concept of “illegal” immigration.
5. Accept outright anti-white political, economic, and social racism.
6. Accept loss of jobs, unaffordable housing, unaffordable fuel costs, and an unaffordable cost of living.
7. Accept corrupt to the core “global climate change” hysteria.
8. Accept leftists burning of cities at any given moment in time.
9. Accept leftist “autonomous zones” which would have previously been called treason and insurrection.
10 Accept political prisoners. Not just any political prisoners. It could be your neighbors, or your relatives.
10. Accept the overthrow of any government the unconstitutional, unelected, and ungodly 4th branch of Government chooses to, both foreign and domestic.
11. Accept the government forcing churches to ordain women to male priesthood positions.
12. Accept government pressure forcing ordination of non-heterosexual persons to priesthood in churches.
13. Accept by force marriage of same sex persons.
14. Accept by force the rejection of male and female birth their own gender.
15. Accept by force mentally ill persons who believe they can poison themselves and dress differently, thus calling themselves “transgender”.
16. Accept by force $131,000,000,000,000 of debt. Enough to cause nations to hang every man woman and child of the guilty nation in any other day and time.
17. Accept by force the sexually deviant perversion of children as young as 2 years old by grooming and other forms of molestation.
18. Accept the chemical castration of as many American Children as possible by transitioning them at the earliest age of toddler-hood.
19. Accept the purging of every Christian male or female from the United States Military and replacing “some” of them with mentally ill transgender women posing as men and men as women.
When I think of the face of Babylon the great. That “whore who sitters upon many waters” she who makes the “world partake of her fornication and evils”, I am left with the waving of the American Flag, and the image of the Statue of Liberty. When I think of the face of Hell, I think of an army of women dressed as men and men dressed as women, with their fatigues on and armed with weapons of war. I see them ravening and terrifying in sight and am left with this one question. Would not a world of sane people, a group of nations not completely corrupted, gather together all force possibly, and seen to eradicate such a people from the earth, before their madness spread to their own populaces?
I don’t think I will be able to mourn the fall of such a beast. The conflict is that I love my country and my countrymen and women.
But this thing is not it.

It wears my nations flag, but it is sinister and malignant to a degree that makes even the devil and hosts of hell blush in shame. Source:

As Vee said, the devil and the hosts of hell do not blush in shame. They are the author of such evils.

I believe that there are many fighting to save America, and she can be saved. But we must face the truth of where we are now. I think that the corruption has/is being brought to light and we can deal with it. But again, we must be willing to say it stops here. 

I believe many are awake or are somewhat awake. We are in shock at what we are seeing, but we mustn't allow the corruption to go on. We need to speak out, share with other to wake them up. 

The corrupt fear the people being awake. That's why they kept us in a stupor for years. Follow the celebrities, follow the sports heroes. Don't pay attention to what we are doing. It's mind control. 

Keep praying friends. The spiritual battle is real. We can affect change through prayer. 

I hope you have a wonderful New Year. Maybe 2023 be a year of growth and change! Remember, God is not dead nor does he sleep!

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

My Visit To The Chiropractor


I had a lot of good comments yesterday about whether you had been to the chiropractor, so I thought I'd give you an report on my visit.

My problem area is the lumbar spinal region, especially L5 and L4. The space between them is thinning, especially between L5 and the sacrum. But most surprising to me was that there is a curvature to the spine in this area, too.

I have some degeneration in the hips also.

She said, "This is why you have pain."  I had a STEM treatment then, she adjusted me. 

I go back next week, and we'll talk about the x-rays in more detail and talk about a plan of treatment.

When I was talking about it with Kyle, I cried with relief. I actually have a real problem that can be fixed. 

Several years ago I did some PT and while that helped temporarily, the root issue was never dealt with. I have hope now that with the chiropractic treatments, and my PT exercises, I can get my mobility back. Without pain.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Have You Ever Been To See A Chiropractor?

 I'm having a consultation today with a chiropractor. It's all a part of my taking charge of my health. 

I have an arthritic condition in my lower spine, and due to pain and discomfort, I sit a lot. Then I developed muscle tightness. All this has lead to difficulty with mobility.

Physical therapy has helped some, but I feel like the underlying issues must be dealt with as much as possible, as the PT hasn't helped completely. 

I'm hoping for a plan to work on the underlying issues, then PT, then perhaps better mobility, which will also help with weight loss.

I've tried doing it on my own, but I can't. I need help. 

I was talking to my daughter in Nashville last night. They see a chiropractor and it has really helped her back issues. They've even had one of their sons adjusted and now he has no ear infection problems. So interesting.

It makes sense though doesn't it? The body systems are all interdependent on each other. So many issues are dealt with isolated from the body as a whole. When we work on the body as a whole, I believe we can gain better health.

It's going to take some time. It won't be a quick fix, but I have hope.

Monday, December 26, 2022



We had a fun, family filled weekend. We had terrible weather on Friday, and it brought in frigid weather. It was still cold on Saturday, but nothing kept us from our annual Birthday lunch out for Tim. This year we had 20 people at the restaurant. We go to a Fuddruckers about 30 minutes away. It has a big dining room and being Christmas Eve they are never busy. We take the back wall area and have a good meal and good fun together! My grandgirls love it because there are machines you put quarters in and get things out. Like bouncy balls.

I didn't take one photo.

I did get photos at home of our birthday boy and his gifts

and family interactions. We do our stockings on Christmas Eve.

I love the photo of Kennedy and my mom. The kids were playing Mario Kart until we opened stockings. Then Nate and Kay and kids left for Kay's work party at her boss's home.

Christmas morning we had church. My parents went with us to our church, and we always take all four girls now.

It was a good Lessons and Carols type service. Advent readings and the lighting of the candles, with Christmas Carols inbetween. It was very nice.

We dropped the girls off at home to open gifts with their parents and we put a ham in the oven and started potatoes cooking when we got home. While they were cooking we opened gifts. Lindsay and Joseph surprised us by dropping in, we weren't expecting them.

We draw names to exchange, so Tim had Kyle, I had my dad, Rachel had my mom, Kyle had Kay, my dad had Nate, Wes had Lindsay, Kay had me, Lindsay had Sarah, Sarah had Tim, my mom had Rachel, Nate had Wes, etc. 

I received a cute cottage sign from Kay, a Barnes and Nobel gift card, and taco holders. I bought my dad Land's End dress shirts. Tim got Kyle a leather jacket (found on marketplace. Like new. $50 real leather). Rachel got a dress and gift card. Mom got photo books and a canvas photo from Wes and Rachel's wedding. Lindsay gave Sarah and volleyball set. Tim got tools and a book.

Tim and I still give all our kids, my parents and our friend Denny a gift. This year we gave mostly gift cards, but we did give camping lanterns to Emma and Vinnie and Wes and Rachel. They're the kind that use 20v batteries. Emma and Vinnie lost power the other day and already but theirs to good use!

Mom and I both took photos of Kyle, Sarah, and Rachel on the couch.

These are my gifts. Tim gave me the two books I've been wanting. Nora Murphy's Country House Style, and Establishing Home by Jean Stoffer. He also gave me a new ipad cover and phone case. Not shown are my gift card and a photo canvas from Rachel's wedding.

We were having so much fun that we scorched the potatoes and had to peel more and start over! No one cared! We don't do a formal meal on Christmas Day. We eat breakfast casserole, and then when the ham and sides are done we eat when we feel like it.

Nate and Kay came down for a few hours to exchange gifts and eat, then they headed home with their Little Women. 

We don't take the gift of being together for granted. We had four generations together yesterday. That is a GIFT!

I'm thankful that we have always worked to give thoughtful gifts to the receiver. I've always said that it a gift is best when it is something special to the one being gifted. Sarah's favorite gift ever came from a yard sale and cost less than $2.00! Kyle's leather jacket came from marketplace and is a bomber style. That never goes out of style, but because it was owned by someone who said it has hung in the closet for years, it was sold for $50! Kyle's response to the gift showed me that he was really wanting a leather jacket!

I got Tim a new belt for working in. It's a nice one. He also has a tool coming from me. 

We give gifts to each other because we were given the ultimate gift! Jesus!

I hope your Christmas was good. For me the sweetest things this year were time together with family and friends. We video chatted with Emma and Family on Christmas Eve, and that was almost like being together! Tim and I are thankful we saw all of our kids this Christmas. 

Friday, December 23, 2022

Information Friday - Christmas Edition


There is a lot going on to talk about. Zelenskyy speaking to our congress, the Senate passing the omnibus bill, election fraud being shown in court in Arizona, Twitter Files being released that show that the FBI paid Twitter over 3 million dollars, and had a direct communications line with them, as did the Biden campaign. The election of 2020 was stolen, not from DJT, but from the majority of Americans who truly did vote for DJT.

However, with all the evil behaviors openly being acted on, and truly dark things, the thing I hope you see is that if there is true evil (and there is) there is also true goodness. Love, Mercy, Grace, Peace.

It's all found in the person of Jesus Christ. God the son come to earth to redeem mankind. To live among his creation as one of them, and to truly know what it was like to be human. To show that if we know the Father, our lives can be full of joy, regardless of our circumstances. 

John 1: 1-14 -

1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was in the beginning with God. 3All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4In him was life,a and the life was the light of men. 5The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

6There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him. 8He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light.

9The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. 10He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. 11He came to his own,b and his own peoplec did not receive him. 12But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, 13who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.

14And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Sond from the Father, full of grace and truth. 

At Christmas time it becomes a bit more acceptable to speak of Him, to sing songs about his coming.

Luke 2:1-21 -

1In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. 2This was the first registration whena Quirinius was governor of Syria. 3And all went to be registered, each to his own town. 4And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the town of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, 5to be registered with Mary, his betrothed,b who was with child. 6And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth. 7And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.c

The Shepherds and the Angels

8And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear. 10And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” 13And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,

14“Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”d

15When the angels went away from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us.” 16And they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in a manger. 17And when they saw it, they made known the saying that had been told them concerning this child. 18And all who heard it wondered at what the shepherds told them. 19But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart. 20And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them.

21And at the end of eight days, when he was circumcised, he was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.

God had promised a redeemer back in the garden when Eve and Adam gave in to temptation and sinned. He promised that one would come who would crush the head of the serpent. Jesus is the fulfillment of that promise. He fulfilled all the prophecies given regarding the messiah. However, the people had ideas of what the messiah would be like, and Jesus didn't fit those ideas.

They liked that he healed people. They liked that he called out the religious leaders. But they had expected a leader who would kick Rome out of Israel. Jesus was teaching about the kingdom of God which would one day be over all the earth, and that even the earth would be made new. It was not about overthrowing Rome.

Christmas for Christians is not about santa, which is based on St. Nicholas. It's not about the tree (though I love Christmas trees). It's not about anything but Jesus. We celebrate his coming. 

The reason I have peace in the midst of this chaotic world, is that I believe in Jesus. I have the Holy Spirit living in me, guiding me, teaching me, bringing peace to my soul.

Jesus is the most important information I could bring you. I don't force my beliefs on you. I'm simply sharing what I know to be true. And just like everything else I share on Fridays, I encourage you to seek the truth. Do the research for yourselves. 

This video is by the producers of The Chosen series, and is called The Shepherd. 


I wish you all peace, joy, love, grace, and mercy. I hope you all know Jesus. He is the light of the world.

Merriest of Christmases to you and your loved ones!

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

First Day Of Winter


Happy winter! Our temperatures have really been feeling like winter. This morning it is 25 degrees outside. We are cozy inside with our wood stove burning downstairs (helps heat the house). We are listening to Sarah's Christmas playlist. Tim made us all scrambled eggs for breakfast. We like to add fried flour tortilla in the eggs, and Tim adds onion and cheese. It's really good.

In a bit Sarah and Tim are headed out to take a family friend to BWI. He is flying out to California to have Christmas with his son and daughter in law.

I'm going to finish tidying up the living area and kitchen. I've made Christmas treats for neighbors, and I need to declutter the usual spaces.

I'm waiting on some packages to arrive. I believe we are all set for Christmas. We don't overbuy. Anything we use a credit card for is something that can be paid off at the end of the month. This brings peace and not stress.

Last night I baked chicken tenderloins in some zesty Italian dressing and it was delicious. It can be done with thighs, too. It flavors the meat very well. I made a boxed chicken flavored rice side dish, and a green salad. Very easy and satisfying. 

My heart is focused on the joy of the season which for me comes from knowing what God did for us in sending his son. He is not a baby in a manger anymore, nor is he still on the cross, he is alive. What a joy to celebrate him and God's plan of redeeming mankind.

He's the light of the world. 

Matthew 4:16 says, "the people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light, and for those dwelling in the region and shadow of death, on them a light has dawned.” This is a quote from Isaiah 9:2.

The world has been dwelling in darkness for a long time now, and yet the light is shining. Can you see it?

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Integrative And Functional Medicine

 All my adult life I've been interested in health, and had thought to go into nursing, but my math skills weren't that great. However, my interest in understanding illness and how to treat it was still there. 

When Tim and I were in missions training, I took a field medicine course. This was taught by a doctor and we had a giant notebook that had a guide to symptoms and illness. We learned to follow the guide, by asking questions and then getting to a solution. We knew that living in a remote area with some people groups would mean no doctors available. 

I learned to give shots, use an otoscope, dose medicines. Did you know in many countries, you can buy antibiotics over the counter?

I've had confidence to know when my kids or Tim and I needed to go see a doctor and when we could just treat colds or fevers at home, etc.

As the years have gone by, I have become concerned by the 'big medicine' mindset. Wellness visits, lots of jabs, lots of routine testing. As my parents got older, they were having wellness visits with their doctor four times a year in addition to any appointments dealing with illness.

The small family practice, we've been at for 28 years, that was owned by the doctors was sold by them to a big medicine conglomerate. The doctors are now employees of the conglomerate.

This has really changed the level of care. They now demand routine tests, a yearly annual check up. I've always gone in for my yearly lab work. I take two prescriptions that require that. But last year, my doctor said if I didn't come in for a wellness visit as well, she would not continue to prescribe my medications! That was kind of the last straw for me. My meds do not require a visit, and if she felt the need to discuss a change in medication then a phone call could be had. As a self pay family this alone would save us over a hundred dollars.

This year, even though I had my lab work, and a physical before my eye surgery, my doctor wanted me to come in for a wellness visit. I said no, and because the wellness visit only includes a few other things than the physical, she didn't fight me on it.

I've had back issues for years, having developed an arthritic condition in my lower spine. This has led to me being sedentary and tightness has become an issue with my muscles. This causes a lot of pain. Some days are worse than others.

I've done physical therapy, and massage therapy and while they have helped some, it was time to take a big step and get some help.

We have a Integrative and Functional Medicine practice very near to us, and so yesterday I had my first visit with the nurse practitioner. We talked extensively about my health, goals that I have for my health, and lifestyle. We did lab work, and next week I will meet with a chiropractor for the first time in my life.

Our first goal is to heal my back as much as possible, making my mobility better and allowing me to be active again. I would not be surprised to find that things are out of whack just due to the muscle tightness alone. We'll see.

My appointment with my nurse practitioner was an hour yesterday, and I was able to do my labs at the same location. I felt I had the time to really be heard, and to discuss concerns. I also had a basic exam - blood pressure, listening to heart, lungs, gut function. We discussed my meds, what supplements I take, and what I eat daily. Also I've lost almost 10 pounds since the spring.

The main thing I am happy about is that this practice wants to help me heal, not just prescribe medication to deal with symptoms.

So overall, I am happy about the appointment, and the direction we are headed. 

Have you heard of integrative and functional medicine?

Here is a summary about functional medicine.

"Functional medicine determines how and why illness occurs through advanced diagnostic testing. Having a clear understanding of the genetic, biochemical, and lifestyle factors that contribute to your health, allows patient and practitioner alike to understand the complexity behind certain symptoms and illnesses. After identifying the underlying causes of disease, the patient and the practitioner are empowered to collaborate and create a personalized treatment plan. 

You may find that one condition has many different causes and, likewise, one cause may result in many different conditions. For instance, you may have an imbalanced gut microbiome that is triggering inflammation throughout your body, giving you digestive issues but also shoulder and back pain. By identifying the root cause, the patient is empowered to heal and reach optimal, pain-free health."

And here is a summary about integrative medicine.

"Integrative Medicine combines the best of conventional allopathic medicine with knowledge from other disciplines to create a more natural style of health care. Whether you are acutely sick or just looking to improve your wellness, our Integrative Medicine providers offer individualized care."


Monday, December 19, 2022


 We had a fun weekend. 

Saturday late afternoon Tim and I headed out with my parents to "see the lights!" We saw two light shows, both by donation for Charities, and we took them to Herr's as well.

First up was Messick's in Mt. Joy. {here}

Then we drove to Strasburg where a private residence was doing a light show to benefit Schreiber's Pediatric Center. {here}

This light show was about 7 full length songs long! Really well done.

I wish I had a taken a few photos of the houses close to the Herr's Snack factory in Nottingham. They have started to do all white lights, Icicle and regular on their houses, and a few businesses as well and it's magical. I really want to do this next year!

On Sunday we went to church then came home and made tacos. Wes and Rachel joined us for the afternoon, and there was painting, and then later some Mario Cart and Quiddler.

In the evening Tim and I watched the first episode and most of the second episode of The Chosen. It's so good. We would have finished the second episode except the app kept having issues. We're going to try it on their YT channel.

We are now officially on Christmas Break. Sarah will be home tomorrow night late. Their break starts after classes at 12:00. Her friend Mary will be staying overnight, and then head home to upstate New York the next day. 

Today I have an appointment at a local wellness center that is staffed by doctors and nurse practitioners. Tim and I have been wanting to make the change from a big business medical practice to integrative health care. Since we are self pay anyway (we use Samaritan Ministries), we can go anywhere we want. I'm a little nervous because it's a big change but I'm hopeful to get better care. A way to help heal my body of some issues, rather than throw a prescription at it to deal with symptoms. They have chiropractic care as well, and they have regenerative medicine. I'm looking forward to help with my back.

I'll tell you all about it tomorrow!

Hope your weekend was great!

Friday, December 16, 2022

Information Friday


I went to tea yesterday morning with my sweet friend Katie. We had the room to ourselves for about a half an hour. It was a lovely time to catch up. She has recently remarried after being widowed (she's in her early 40's).

Twitter has been fun. Elon Musk is a fighter for free speech, and while I think he's not conservative, I can applaud his efforts to restore free speech on Twitter. Turns out the left only stands for their own free speech. They were in a frenzy yesterday, about his suspension of 'journalists.' However the journalists had doxxed his private plane and put him and his family at risk. He warned people months ago that he would suspend people for doxxing other people.

He has information coming soon about Twitter's censorship of Cov*d information. Fauci only wanted one narrative. His! As a reminder, Elon was a proponent of the jab in early to mid 2021. 

I found this yesterday and agree!

I believe that Cov*d was used for two purposes. One to bring in mail in ballots. Those can be manipulated and used over and over again, and two to take control of people. Just look how quickly people in the United States fell into line and willingly gave up their rights. The deep state has had a preview of what people will do. There were people calling for fellow citizens to be thrown into camps or forced jabbed, etc. Very scary.

Not to mention the 51 former intelligence officers who all swore that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. It has been proven to NOT BE Russian disinformation so when will these people be prosecuted for treason?

McConnell is owned by the dems and China. He likes his power and money. His wife Elaine Chow's family has big shipping contracts with the CCP and her father has given them $25 million dollars. 
I have no problem with passing family money down to your kids, but when that money has come from lucrative contracts with the CCP, and you're a political leader it's pretty sketchy.

Did you know the Archives has a warning label on our founding documents? They say they include 'offensive' language. This is dangerous friends!

"Protecting and celebrating the most important works in U.S. history isn’t only important because the Constitution and Bill of Rights, as well as other documents in the National Archives, are still legally binding, but also because they tell a story of who we are as a nation and what it means to be American. Today leftists, including many officials in the Biden administration, are actively working to rewrite that story, and to undermine every part of America’s exceptional past.

One notable example is the National Archives’ decision to post a “Harmful Language Alert” banner above documents in its digital archives, including the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. According to the Archives’ warning, its documents include many “outdated, biased, offensive, and possibly violent views and opinions,” as well as documents that “reflect racist, sexist, ableist, misogynistic/misogynoir, and xenophobic opinions and attitudes.”

Since the National Archives contains more than 100 million records, there are bound to be some that are offensive. But rather than identify prominent documents that are indeed offensive as such, the Archives chose to issue a “Harmful Language” warning across the board, knowing full well the documents read most often on its website and in its halls are founding-era materials like the Constitution." 

Read more {here}.

DJT playing with the Deep State again yesterday.

Remember, ultimately this is a spiritual battle. Light is being shined on so many places that were allowed to do things in the dark. It's all being revealed. 

I fear that many will not be able to handle finding out that we've been lied to for years.

Consider the JFK assassination. The Bid*n administration released more documents yesterday but we aren't allowed to see them?

Here is a snippet from an article.
"In 1992, Congress passed the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act. That act mandated full disclosure of all documents by 2017, 54 years after JFK was killed. The last administration promised to comply fully with that law. But under intense pressure from CIA Director Mike Pompeo, withheld, in the end, thousands of pages of CIA documents.

Today, this afternoon, the Biden administration did exactly the same thing. That would be thousands of pages of documents after nearly 60 years, after the death of every single person involved. But we still can't see them. Clearly, it's not to protect any person. They're all dead. It's to protect an institution. But why?

Well, today we decided to find out. We spoke to someone who had access to these still hidden CIA documents, a person who was deeply familiar with what they contained. We asked this person directly, "Did the CIA have a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy, an American President? And here's the reply we received verbatim. Quote, "The answer is yes. I believe they were involved. It's a whole different country from what we thought it was. It's all fake."


I think of my parents generation. They were taught to believe their government and the media. They were the ones who Operation Paperclip was used on. Read {here}. How will the people of this generation handle finding out they've been lied to their whole life? We all have been.

We must be discerning, and seek wisdom from God.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...