Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

This and That


This photo is from about four years ago. It came up in my FB memories. I liked the wildness of it on our deck. It was positioned so we saw it through our sliding french doors. So pretty.

I wanted to share a lovely comment I received yesterday. Lisa said, "Although we have political beliefs that are 180% apart, I enjoy reading your blog due to the sense of hospitality, warmth and beauty that it conveys. I want you to know that I tried your turkey roasting method for Thanksgiving, and it was received with rave reviews! I will definitely make this a tradition. Thank you!"

I was very happy to receive this comment. I think it shows maturity and that even though we may differ on something, we have common ground and that is what Lisa has chosen to focus on. She has never commented a negative thing to me. 

This is how we can use our time online. Finding beauty and a good recipe for cooking turkey, and leaving the rest behind. I have a dear, precious friend who has a difference of opinion than me on a big topic. She still comes to my blog and comments on posts that aren't about the thing we differ on. You know what? It's okay that she has a different opinion than me. She is a sister of my heart and we have much common ground!

If everyone could be like Lisa, and my dear friend, the online world would be a happier place for everyone! Thank you Lisa!

I made a video of my living room this morning and I forgot to turn the lamps on! This is what the room looks like with just the Christmas lights on.

And here it is with the lamps on

Last year I shared this aerial tour of Christmas lights from the 717 Drone Guys and I want to share it again this year. It's beautiful!

I also wanted to say that I changed my comment settings from just those with google accounts, and have happily seen an increase in comments, which have all been very pleasant and encouraging! Thank you all for keeping my blog a place of  Hospitality, Friendship, and Encouragement!

Ps- The orange slices were dried in a dehydrator and that is why they have such lovely color!


Vee said...

Oh a dehydrator! That is how Laura got hers done, too;. I am NOT buying a dehydrator.. Nope, Not gonna do it. Ha!

Cheryl said...

I remember your deck table decorated for Christmas, so it's hard to believe that it's been four years! We've been friends for a while, haven't we? Your living room looks so cozy and welcoming and festive!

I think that you are right about choosing the conversations that we want to participate in. That is what we do in person, so it seems that we should do the same in the online world. However, I confess that I find the online world an uncomfortable place to be at times. People say things that they would never say if they were talking to you one on one, and the tone can be condescending and accusatory. But there is also what you have described: relationships that are built on common ground, especially those in which the common ground is love for the Lord!

Linda said...

I am going to be using your turkey baking instructions for Christmas Eve! You are such a gift to the blogging world, Deanna!

Kim said...

I love when people can find common ground!! You do share hospitality, warmth and beauty. I may not always comment, but I always read your posts, and look forward to them, because of that. Well that and your red decor! 😉

A Joyful Cottage said...

I enjoyed your videos, Deanna. Your home is so warm and inviting. The Lancaster County video was so beautiful. It made me nostalgic, and actually brought tears to my eyes. The one shot with the flag flying in front of the town scene was so touching. I don't know, I guess I'm getting very sentimental about our country and the sad direction I see it going. Anyway, thank you for sharing the simplicity of beauty of your home and the wonderful Lancaster County. xo

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...